Chapter 41: Tera Jesa Na Koi

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Neyonika was seated in her chair and was busy doing some documentary work or trying to do some work you can say. Her busy session had ended when Manik and the rest barged into the cabin. Neyonika looked at them and smiled feebly. Manik without any curtsy, sat down on the visitor's chairs placed opposite to hers.

Neyonika: What happened to you bacha's? Is there anything I can do for you?

Manik (rudely): I really wonder are you really Nandini's mother or not?

Neyonika: What are you saying child? She is my daughter.

Cabir: Then behave like one. 

Neyonika (looking back at her papers): I didn't get you.

Mukthi: Stop looking at those stupid papers and act like you are working.

Manik: You are her mother. You should be the one who should be with her when she is badly injured.

Neyonika: Those are just minute scratches. She can handle herself. She doesn't need me to be there. Besides, I don't waste my time in such things.

Manik: Now I get it. I thought that she was wrong in hating you as you were always sweet with us. But I was wrong. I have never ever seen such a self-centred and money making woman in my entire life.

Alya: Before I thought that her dissimilarities with you were really bad. But your filthy words have changed my perspective. I am glad she is different from you. At least she will be here when some is hurt. Physically and emotionally.

Mukthi: Now it makes sense. Her taste of not making friends and everything else was because of your treatment with her. I pity you lady.

Manik was about to saying something but stopped as he got a phone call from his mom.

Ragini: Beta, we have to take Nandini to the hospital. Her bleeding is not stopping at all and she isn't responding to what we are saying. Come fast beta, we are waiting for you.

Manik cut the call and stood up.

Manik (glaring at Neyo): Mom called. She says we have to take Nandini to the hospital. This is the last chance for you to meet her. As soon as she is out of the hospital, a step near her will be the last mistake that you would do.

With this, FAB5 left the cabin and all together left for the hospital.


Doctor: well she isn't in any danger. It was good that you brought her here or else she could have had internal injury because of the nonstop blood flow. We have to keep her under observation for 24 hours so that we can see if the bleeding is going to stop or not. Take this prescription and give these medicines to the nurse in charge. You can go in now but try not to make her think a lot. Especially anything bad. Cheer her up. It will help her in a way.

Everyone present over there nodded and Neil took the prescription and left for getting the medicines. Everyone else went inside.


Nandini's head rest was uplifted in such a way that she could sit properly. They smiled at her but she didn't respond back.

Nandini: Where is my phone?

Ragini: Beta you need to take rest. Why to call anyone.

Nandini: Aunty give my phone to me.

Dhruv: But you want to call whom?

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