Chapter 27

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Carl slammed the door shut to his bedroom and Sophia could hear the door lock. The slam and his storm was so loud and intense that it even woke up Ian who had been in a deep sleep on the couch. Everyone downstairs (Sophia, Debbie, Lip, and Ian) all looked at each other awkwardly in complete silence, as if asking each other with their facial expressions, "What the fuck is wrong with him?" Lip cleared his throat and shut his laptop, "Um, I should probably go check on him." He excused himself from the table and went upstairs. Debbie spoke to Sophia with a mouth full of Cheerios, "I think he might be a little mad." Ian groaned from the couch, "You fucking think? Dammit I was finally getting some good sleep in weeks."

Sophia spoke in a quiet, careful, and scared voice, "Wow... I've never seen him so- just so angry. That was terrifying." Debbie nodded, "Yeah, that's a side of him you'd never want to see. I wonder what happened." Sophia had somewhat of an idea of what had went down, but she didn't really know for sure. Lip returned downstairs and all eyes were on him. He shrugged, "He wouldn't talk to me. Hell, he wouldn't even open the fucking door." Sophia stood up from the table and said, "It's okay, I want to go try to talk to him. Maybe I can get through to him." Ian spoke up from the couch, "Uh... no offense, Sophia, but if he won't talk to Lip then I'm pretty sure he won't talk to you either... When he's mad, he shuts everyone out, no matter who you are." Sophia was now a bit worried, but she wanted to at least try. She didn't respond to that comment and just turned around to walk upstairs.

       Sophia took a deep breath as she approached their bedroom door and knocked softly on the old wood. She said carefully, "Carl? Are you okay? I'm really worried and I just want to see you. Please." Sophia could hear him shuffle around and it was quiet for a minute, until he sighed and opened the bedroom door. He looked normal. No scratches, bruises, blood.. nothing. He held the door open for her, allowing her to come inside, and then closed the door behind her. She sat down on the edge of the bed, facing him, and he leaned against the back of the door.

        She said, "Sooo...? Where have you been? What happened?" Carl rolled his eyes and spoke with a tone filled with annoyance and pissiness, "Fuck off. I don't even know why I let you in here. I don't have to tell you anything, I don't even know why you care. Actually, just get out." Sophia's eyes went wide as she was extremely shocked he just said that to her. Never, in a billion years, did she think that Carl would ever speak like that to her. Never. Well, clearly she was mistaken.

         Sophia scoffed and said nothing, walking out of the bedroom. But, just as she was about to exit, she turned around and looked him in the eye. His eyes were filled with anger, yet sadness and guilt. Tears welled up in her dark brown eyes as she yanked the diamond necklace off her neck that he had given her the night before. She grabbed his hand and placed the now broken jewelry into his palm. In a quiet, broken voice she said, "Fuck you."

A/N: Okay guys I know it was super duper short but I don't have much time to write & I wanted to update ASAP for you guys so you had something to read. I know, it's just another cliff hanger though lol oops. I'll update something longer tomorrow hopefully! 😈❤️

Mine // Carl GallagherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin