Chapter 15

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       Sophia woke up at around 10AM, luckily there was no school that day. She rolled over and saw that Carl was fast asleep beside her. He must've went to bed after she fell asleep. She smiled at the beautiful sight, but then her face fell when she realized that she couldn't have him all to herself. One thing she hated about herself was how possessive she was of Carl since he was one of her only friends (friends, meaning the Gallaghers). Her worst fear nowadays was losing him.
      She noticed that he had bright red hickeys all up and down his neck and collar bone, making her extremely jealous that she wasn't the one to leave those marks. Sophia quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake him, and changed into one of his big shirts so she was more comfortable. Her skinny jeans from the party were so tight that they had basically become her second skin.
       When she finished changing into his long shirt that smelled like him, she turned around to crawl back into bed but then she realized he had woken up and was watching her the whole time. She asked, already knowing the answer, "Um, did you see me change?" He smirked and spoke in his deep raspy morning voice, "Yeah, I did. Don't worry though, you're beautiful." Her face instantly flushed pink with embarrassment and she crawled back into bed beside him, trying to avoid eye contact. He continued, "You look hot in my shirts, you really should wear them more often." She said, "You're just saying that to be nice..." Carl chuckled, "No I'm not, I promise. I'm an honest guy, I always mean what I say."
        Sophia gave him a small smile and snuggled deeper beneath the sheets to get warm. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer into him. She closed her eyes as she rested her head on his chest and almost fell back asleep until his phone dinged loudly, indicating that he got a text. Carl groaned as he picked up his phone from his nightstand and read the message, but he instantly smirked and bit his lip when he saw what it was. Sophia leaned over to see what it was... the blonde girl she saw him making out with at the party had sent him nudes. She said, "She's pretty... is she your girlfriend or something?" He felt a little embarassed that Sophia saw the pictures but he just shook his head, "Nah. She's just some random chick I met a couple days ago."
      He clicked off his phone and set it down, then closed his eyes to try and go back to sleep. Sophia completely loathed whoever that girl was. "Carl, I couldn't find you last night, you know. I had never been to a party before and I was really nervous. Where were you the whole time?" She wanted to see if he would lie, but he was completely honest, "I spent the first half of the party getting wasted and high, then I spent the second half making out with that blonde chick on the roof. Sorry that you got anxious, I didn't really think about that." Sophia's eyes were closed as she sleepily said, "Oh... uh it's okay.."
         Just as the two were about to fall asleep, Fiona bursted through the door and said cheerfully, "Wake up guys! You need to clean up that mess downstairs. It's completely trashed from the party." Carl groaned and sighed, "Five more hours..." Fiona walked over and wacked him with a pillow, "Up. Now." He opened his eyes to give her a dirty look, then he sat up. Sophia got up as well and started to walk downstairs with him.
        The entire living room and kitchen was completely trashed. There were used condoms, drugs, empty alcohol bottles, underwear, bras, and cigarettes all over the place. Carl asked Fiona, "Why are Sophia and I the only ones who have to pick this shit up?" She responded with her hands on her hips, "Because I sent your siblings to go to the store already. I was thinking that tonight we could have a family movie night? I really think we should start spending more time with one another. So they all went to go pick up a few movies and some snacks, then they have to run a couple errands for me. Now, I gotta head out. I can't be late for my first day as manager!" She squeeled with excitement as she quickly kissed Carl and Sophia on the head, then went out the door.
Carl sighed as he looked around, "Well, I guess we better get started. I'll get the trash bag and the gloves." He walked into the kitchen to grab the cleaning supplies as Sophia looked around the living room. That was exactly why she never liked parties. Absolutely nothing good happened when drugs, alcohol, rap music, and teenagers were involved. She spotted a strange white substance on the carpet and without thinking, she blended down and touched it with her finger. Sophia was just about to put it in her mouth when Carl walked back into the room right on time, "Wait stop! Don't touch that with your hands and don't put it anywhere near your mouth!" She immediately froze and wiped off her finger onto the carpet, "Why? What is it?"
"It's meth. Unless you want to get super high and tripped out, you should leave that alone. It's some powerful shit. I can clean it up." Sophia made a gagging noise, she hated drugs with all her might. She said, "Carl, do you do drugs? ...Wait, never mind, that was a stupid question. Of course you do, you're a drug trafficker." He chuckled as he bent down and threw a beer bottle into a trash bag, "Actually, not really. Just because I deal drugs doesn't necessarily mean I use them. I mean, don't get me wrong, every once in a while if I'm at a party I'll do some coke or smoke some weed. But nah, I don't do drugs regularly."
Sophia was actually impressed that he was smart enough to not do them all the time (she would be even more impressed if he didn't do them at all). She had learned something new: not all drug dealers are drug addicts. Carl tossed her a trash bag and a pair of gloves, then they got to work and picked up all of the trash. Sophia thought out loud, "I'm surprised Fiona was okay with a party like this. She seems like a really classy and responsible woman. I didn't take her to be the type of person to throw parties with a bunch of drugs and alcohol." Carl responded, "Yeah, well, she used to be really against those things actually. She wouldn't let me even smoke a cigarette or have a sip of beer, but she eventually gave up on trying to stop me because she knew I did it anyway. Fiona has always been the party type, I mean her favorite thing to do is to throw parties and celebrate. Over time she loosened up a bit and stopped caring about what was at the party. She finally recognized that this is the fucking hood and no one is going to come to our parties if we didn't have some toxic substances. So yeah, she doesn't care anymore as long as the cops don't bust us."
Sophia thought that that was so strange, but slightly understandable. She replied, "That's interesting. Also, why do you guys like partying so much? I don't see anything good that comes out of it." He laughed a little, "I mean, the morning after a party usually sucks cause the house is always completely trashed and we're all hungover, but during the moment it's awesome. You feel so free and have not a care in the world. When you get together with your homies and you dance and drink, you suddenly just forget about all your worries. I guess it's just what we do to cope with all of the shit that actually goes on in our lives." Sophia smiled, "Well, I might have to try that. The only way I know how to cope with my pain is crying, but partying might help, too." Carl smirked as he continued picking up the trash.
It was quiet for a little while, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of trash being thrown into the garbage bags. Carl carefully spoke up, "By the way, don't be jealous of that girl I got nudes from and made out with. I was drunk and she was just a one time thing." He was just trying to comfort and reassure her because he could tell she was secretly upset when she saw the nudes the girl sent on his phone. Sophia shrugged, "I'm not jealous, you can be with whoever you want. I don't care." He gave her a weird look of confusion yet amusement, "Sooo it doesn't bother you at all?" Sophia put on her emotionless face and shook her head, "Nope." He smirked, he could see right through her lies but he went with it, "Aight then."


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