Chapter 2

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    The stressed out boy ran straight out the backdoor and never came back. Sophia closed her eyes and took deep breaths as she leaned against the counter, trying to process what just happened and what she should do. He looked serious as fuck when he said that if she called the cops it would be the last thing that she would do, so she decided not to do that. After a few minutes of deep thinking and trying to calm down, Sophia decided she wouldn't do anything and she would just forget that ever happened. As the day went on, she couldn't stop thinking about that incident. She had so many questions... she hated being curious. Why was he running from the cops? What did he do? Would he really kill her? Sophia tried to shake all of the possibilities out of her mind and tried to focus on preparing for the first day of school, which was tomorrow. She was going to be a junior at a brand new high school. Based on today's events, she figured that life in this town would be exciting, dramatic, and absolutely terrifying.
    It was now 5PM and neither of her parents were home. Her mom had been gone for almost 10 hours, but that was actually pretty normal. She was probably somewhere drinking her life away and screwing random married men. That's what she did best, after all. Sophia didn't expect her mother to be home anytime soon but her dad should be home in around two hours. She decided to spend this time walking around her neighborhood, even though that was probably really dangerous, and explore the new area that she lived in. Sophia slipped on a jacket and sneakers then wandered out the front door. She was stunned by the beautiful red and orange sunset that fluttered above the distant buildings and towers of Chicago. The girl walked down the silent street with her hands in her pockets, the hood wasn't that bad. She was too busy staring at the sky to pay attention where she was going, as she felt herself bump into a rockhard chest.
    Sophia fell to the concrete and looked up to see a scary looking gang of 4 large men. She didn't bother to try and stand up because they clearly were in control now. The one she bumped into crossed his arms and looked down at her, "Watch where the fuck you're going!" All of the gang members smirked, showing off their diamond grills and sharp teeth. "What's a pretty little BITCH like you doing in this part of town? You don't belong in the hood. Go back to your white picket house in the suburbs before something very bad happens to you." That sounded like a threat, which really intimidated her. She thought she was scared this morning when that guy broke into her house? Well, now she was about 100x more scared than she was before.
     Sophia stayed on the ground and spoke up quietly in a broken voice, "I, uh, I actually do live here. I'm sorry I knocked into you, I wasn't watching where I was going." The men didn't respond and so she took that as a sign that she could leave, but as she tried to get up the man kept her from standing up by pushing her back down with his shoe. Now she thought she was legitimately going to die. Out of nowhere she heard someone nearby say, "Now what do we have here, boys?" All of their heads turned and Sophia's eyes widened as she instantly recognized that voice.
      The white boy with cornrows walked over to her and the gang with his gun still in one hand. He had a smirk on his face until he saw Sophia's face. He recognized her, too. One man from the gang, who looked twice the boy's age and was a good foot taller, spoke up in a deep voice, "Hey boss. I don't know who in the hell she is but we just ran into this bitch. What do you want us to do with her?" Sophia was scared but also a little confused as to why the gang men treated the boy like he was the leader. Why would a teenage white boy be in charge of them? He must be pretty damn scary for guys like that to take orders from him.
      The boy cleared his throat as he never broke eye contact with her, "Let her go. She's not worth our time." The gang men looked confused as hell and one of them spoke up, "The fuck? Why?" Sophia could tell that the man instantly regretted saying that the moment he said it when the boy looked really mad, "Did I fucking stutter? I said just let her go! I don't have time for this bullshit!" The men didn't respond and just backed away from Sophia, then turned around and walked down the street. It was now just Sophia and the boy. He was twirling his gun around in his hand, which made her extremely nervous, and he was just staring at her. Sophia didn't know if she should say something or run for her life.
      She decided to try and be brave, even though she was scared shitless, "Um... well, thanks?" The boy chuckled, "Whatever, you got lucky babe. I guess I owed you one cause of what happened earlier. But now we're even so don't fuck up cause I'm not gonna save your ass again." She could feel herself blush with embarrassment and she nodded. Sophia thought that she might as well make friends with the boy so that she's not completely alone in this world. She held out her hand for him to shake and said, "I'm Sophia." The boy just stared at her hand and said, "Carl." She was a bit surprised, he sure as hell didn't look like a Carl. He then gave her a small smirk and turned around, walking down the street into the warm sunset, leaving Sophia standing there by herself.


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