Chapter 35

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A/N: BTW Idk if i already mentioned this but for some of you who might be confused about the time setting, let's pretend it's winter break so no school & stuff :P

        The beginning of their day started at 1PM, which is when the two woke up due to their late night. They kept waking up and then falling back asleep, until Fiona finally bursted through their bedroom door, "Okay, I let you guys sleep in way too late. Time to get up. Ian has all of his boxes loaded in his truck, he's going to be leaving soon for his new place." This made Sophia shoot up, but Carl was still laying in bed like he was about to go back to sleep. Fiona had left the room and Sophia shook Carl awake, "Come on! Don't you want to go say goodbye to Ian? He's your brother babe. He'll be leaving soon, lets go." Carl shook his head and mumbled, "Lemme go to sleep." Then he turned over to face the other direction and Sophia looked at him like he was crazy. She sighed, "Pleaseee? You'll regret it."

       Carl then sat up and groaned, then they both got up from bed and headed downstairs. Everyone was downstairs at the dining table, having one last family breakfast until Ian left. They were all chill and having good conversation, but Debbie was being antisocial and wasn't really talking. She was obviously still upset about Ian moving out, which was understandable. Carl gave Ian a head nod and sat down across from him, with Sophia by his side. Sophia was now totally comfortable in the Gallagher household and started conversation with Ian, "So today's the big day, huh? How're you feeling?" Debbie rolled her eyes as she kept eating her scrambled eggs.

      Ian glanced over at Debbie and gave her a sad look then he looked back at Sophia, "Yep, guess so! I'm pretty excited. I know things are gonna be good from now on and Mickey is waiting for me at the apartment, getting some of the furniture set up. I think we're gonna have a special dinner together there for our first night there, so that should that good. I'm just- nervous and kinda scared. But that's normal I suppose. I'm mainly super excited though." Sophia gave him a small smile with a nod as she took a sip of her cold coffee that had been waiting for her on the table.

       Carl was still exhausted as he tried to be apart of all the conversation going on, but he failed. His lazy head was rested on his hand as his eyes started to slowly shut. But, Sophia woke his ass back up when she kicked his leg harshly, then giving him "the look". He cleared his throat and sat back up, not wanting to dull the mood. Fiona then awkwardly brought up, "So Sophia.. I hear that Melissa was.. you know.. arrested last night." Carl then gave Fiona "the look" and then she immediately regretted bringing that up. Sophia then slightly choked on her juice, not expecting that topic to be brought up. She began, "Honestly, I almost forgot all about that happening last night. That's how unbothered I am. I'm just relieved and finally feel absolutely safe and secure. She got what she deserved, trust me."

       Lip's eyes went wide at that and he spoke, "Woah there, Sophia.. That's a little harsh, ain't it? I mean.. that's your mom." Sophia shot him a deadly glare with her dark eyes, yet smiled at the same time, "Nah, I don't think it's harsh at all. If anything, relieved is an understatement. I don't know if you really understand, Lip, but she's the farthest thing from a mom. She did nothing but hurt me. Honestly, I'm ecstatic about it all! I'm glad Melissa Carter is in jail." The vibes had gotten intense and just bad overall, no one wanted to be there anymore. Sophia's perspective was understandable, but it was aggressive. Lip's eyes went wide and he then continued, "Holy shit Sophia you're craz-" Fiona immediately cleared her throat, "Ahem! This conversation is over. I'm sorry I even brought it up, this is not a topic for the table. Lets just focus on Ian and his last morning with us. When do you have to get going, Ian?" Now everything was extREMELY awkward. Sophia was hurt, Lip was bewildered, Carl was pissed, Debbie was bored, Ian was confused, and Fiona was upset. Ian began to speak as his phone dinged from a text message. He sighed, "Now, actually. That was Mickey, he's waiting. Guess he has some sort of surprise at the apartment so I better get on the road now."

      Fiona nodded as she also stood up from the table, giving him a big hug, "Be smart, bud. We'll miss you and you'll always know where to find us if you need anything. Love ya kid." Everyone then took turns giving Ian goodbye hugs, then he headed out the front door. It was now silent and awkward. Debbie didn't say anything and just went back upstairs to her bedroom to keep watching Gossip Girl. Then Fiona said, "Well, I guess that's that. I gotta get going to work. See ya later tonight kids." She gave everyone a kiss on the head, then grabbed her purse and left.

      Now it was only Lip, Sophia, and Carl downstairs. Sophia was caught up in the moment and brought up the old topic again. Lip was about to go upstairs until she stopped him by saying, "I'm not fucking crazy. You have no idea what it was like living with that woman. She was pure evil and did nothing to contribute to my life. I barely consider her my mom. If you lived the life I had, you would think she deserved an eternity in prison, too. Don't talk about shit you don't know." Lip furrowed his eyebrows at her, "Whatever." He dropped the subject and continued to go up to his bedroom, leaving it just to be Sophia and Carl in the living room.

      Sophia sat down on the sofa, "Am I really crazy for not being all depressed and stuff about my mom being arrested..?" Carl sat beside her and rubbed her back to console her, even though he was still sleepy, "Hell no. Lip doesn't know shit. Sure, I guess Frank was an unemployed alcoholic but he wasn't abusive. He wasn't as terrible as Melissa. So he cant and shouldn't say anything about that. He doesn't get to judge you for how you feel about something he knows nothing about. You have every right to be relieved and happy that she's facing the consequences. I mean, the woman chased us with a knife out of her house at one point! Remember that? And she beat you to a pulp in the middle of the night for no reason. Trust me, she deserves to rot in a concrete jail cell." Sophia was convinced, yet still down in the dumps. She nodded in defeat and they headed back upstairs and went back to bed. That was what they did best.


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