Chapter 7

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Sophia laid on the roof beside Carl, keeping warm with blankets and her head rested on a fluffy pillow, as she created images by connecting the stars. They had had a deep talk and she felt like she really knew him and he really knew her. She had surprisingly spilled a lot to him about her personal life, more than she expected, but she was glad that she did because he didn't judge. Now they were officially friends. It was around 11PM and she didn't plan on going back home, no way. She couldn't deal with the drama of her parents. Sophia was really upset and just wanted to stay away from them. She shivered as a strong gust of wind blew by and Carl spoke up, "Wanna go inside? I know it's really cold out here and these blankets aren't doing much." Sophia nodded and sat up, "Yeah, sure." They both went back into his bedroom and he shut the window. She sat down on the edge of his bed as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his back pockets, "Sooo... what do you plan on doing tonight? You going back to your house?" Sophia looked down and played with her fingers, which was a nervous habit of hers, and quietly said, "I don't think so. I can't deal with them tonight. Is there any way that I could sleep here? I'm okay with sleeping on a couch or the floor or even the backyard, I just can't go back there." Carl chuckled, "Yeah of course you can stay here. Our house is your house now. And don't worry, I'm not mean enough to make you sleep in the backyard or the floor. You okay with crashing on the couch downstairs?" Sophia nodded, "Yep that's totally okay. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me." He gave her a small smile, "It's no problem. I'm gonna go downstairs and set up the couch for you. I'll be back up in a minute." Carl's actions really surprised Sophia that night. She could tell that he truly was a good guy, but she didn't know that he was that good of a guy. He was one of the kindest boys she's ever met, which was ironic considering his bad boy reputation.
        Carl came back upstairs and was back in his bedroom with Sophia. He awkwardly said, "Uh, Debbie fell asleep on the couch downstairs. I would offer you to sleep in her bed since she's not there but she's a total germaphobe and won't let anyone touch her stuff. You could like... sleep with me in my bed if you're okay with that? You shouldn't have to go back to your house after everything that's going on there." Sophia's face instantly flushed red, she was really embarrassed and nervous but that seemed to be the only option as of now. She slowly nodded as she trembled, "Um, yeah sure. Okay, I'm okay with that if you're okay with it..." Carl gulped and nodded, "Yeah I'm cool with it. It's not a big deal, it won't be weird at all. Uh, here, you can wear a shirt of mine for pajamas if you want so that you're comfortable." Sophia gave him a small smile and walked over to his closet, then picked out a random tshirt. He turned around so that she could change, "Don't worry, I won't look." She whispered, "Thanks", and she slipped into his tshirt that was almost like a dress on her. She said, "Okay I'm finished." He turned around and gave her an awkward thumbs up, "Aight... cool." He honestly really liked seeing her in his shirt, it turned him on but he wouldn't let her know that.
       Carl climbed into his bed under his thick sheets and scooted all the way to the side so that Sophia had space. She then crawled in next to him and snuggled under the blankets to regain warmth. This wasn't what she had in mind when she planned on going over to his house to talk to him. Sophia laid there awkwardly on her back, staring at his ceiling. Her leg then accidentally stroked his and she mentally cursed herself as she froze. Carl chuckled, "You don't have to feel awkward or nervous you know. I'm chill." Sophia looked over to him, "Yeah, sorry for making this weird. I just don't really know what to do with myself. I've never slept away from home, believe it or not." Carl looked over to her, "Oh.. well don't worry. It's not scary, sleeping over at other peoples houses is fun. Like a sleepover or some shit like that. You can get comfortable or do whatever you need to do so that you can relax. You seem really stressed out." Sophia smiled a small smile, "Thank you. For everything. I mean thank you for breaking into my house and pointing a gun at me, because if you hadn't then we wouldn't have ever met probably. Thank you for saving me from your gang guys. Thank you for talking to me at school and thank you for stopping your masturbation session to listen to me. Thank you for comforting me while I cry and staring at the stars with me and letting me spend the night. I know we've only known each other for two days but I've honestly never been lucky enough to have someone like you in my life. Just... thank you."
        Sophia sighed as she was slightly embarrassed at what she just said, but Carl couldn't do anything but smile. He rolled over on his side to face her and whispered since it was late, "I've got you. You don't have to worry anymore, I promise." His warm breath tickled her ear and neck, making her blush. His words comforted her in a way that absolutely nothing else could. Sophia took a deep breath and relaxed her muscles. Carl then leaned over across her and stretched to turn off the lamp. He whispered softly, "Go to sleep, try not to think about all these negative things. It'll only bring you down. And I'll make sure to wake you up in the morning for school." The bedroom then went dark and got cold, causing Sophia to cuddle deeper into the blankets and pillows in his really comfortable queen sized bed. He leaned back down in bed and laid on his back, she then naturally rested her head on his shoulder and drifted off into a deep sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I LOVE THIS IM EMOTIONAL

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