Chapter 25!!

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It has been so fucking long since I've even been on Wattpad, I've nearly forgotten all about it! Life has been good and I hope you have all been doing well 👍🏼 I hope you've had a great Christmas/holiday and a great New Year!! You have no idea how much I've missed reading all of your comments and writing this story. I don't know if I'm going to be permanently back or if I'll be updating frequently, but it's late at night for me and I have a sudden urge to write right now lol. I legit have no plan for this chapter and I'm just writing as I go, so please forgive me if this sucks haha. Hope you like it, I'm glad to be back ☺️💖 (btw fuck donald trump)

Sophia became disappointed when she heard that Chicago was completely snowed in. This meant that she and Carl couldn't go out to have their first date. But, he managed to relax her and told her that he'd think of something else to do at home as a first date. She gave him a small smile as she hummed along to her favorite Christmas song, "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey, since it was playing in the background on the radio. Carl slightly chuckled to himself as everyone joined at the dining table for cinnamon rolls. Everyone immediately dug in without barely chewing. Ian spoke with his mouth full, "These are really good, Fiona. They're homemade?" Fiona sat up and smiled confidently, "Thanks. Yup, they're my ma's recipe. These were always my favorite as a kid. I think I should start cooking more often." He nodded and continued to chug down the sweet, warm, delicious bread of pure diabetes.

Debbie spoke up, "Wait, so what are we suppose to do all day if we can't even go anywhere? I really don't want to sit at home all day." Fiona frowned, "I don't want to either, kid. But, we don't exactly have an option. I suppose we could just take it easy today. Maybe watch some Christmas movies and bake some cookies?" Everyone nodded with excitement but Carl groaned since he wasn't into stuff like that. Sophia elbowed him and whispered, "Awe come on, it'll be fun!" He rolled his eyes sarcastically as he finished eating his breakfast.  After everyone had cleared their plates and were done with their food, Fiona and Debbie set up the ingredients to make cookies while Lip and Ian were in the living room, picking out a Christmas movie. Carl started walking upstairs when Sophia said, "Where ya going? We're doing cookies and a movie!" He laughed and whispered, "I'm setting up for our date you retard. I'll be back down in a bit, promise." Sophia blushed and nodded with excitement, he then turned around and continued upstairs to his bedroom and shut the door.
       Sophia went into the living room and joined Ian and Lip. She sat down next to them on the carpet as they were picking out movies. Lip said, "Hey, Soph. What Christmas movies do you think we should watch?" She shrugged, "I'm not sure, I've never seen a Christmas movie." The boys gasped as she quietly chuckled to herself. Ian said, "Are you for real? Elf? Rudolph? Christmas Carol? Frosty the Snowman? Any of those ring a bell?" Sophia shook her head, "Nope." Lip scoffed and said, "Well, we got some catching up to do. We have all of the classics, so you gotta watch them all eventually so that you're not totally living under a rock." She smiled and laughed, "Alrighty, whatever you say."
       She then stood up from the carpet and went to join the girls in the kitchen. Sophia was trying really hard to get comfortable with all of the Gallaghers and to be social. Debbie was getting out sprinkles and frosting while Fiona was looking for the basic ingredients in the fridge. Sophia leaned against the counter and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?" Fiona smiled and said, "Actually, it would be fantastic if you went to the closet in the hallway and looked for the box of cookie cutters. They don't seem to be in the kitchen, so they must be there." Sophia returned a friendly smile and said, "Yeah of course!" Fiona thanked her as she continued searching for eggs and milk.

       Sophia went upstairs and opened the doors to the hall closet. There were a few shelves with winter coats, shoes, pictures, and boxes of random shit. She sighed at the sight of all of the clutter, she felt like she was being nosey since she was seeing all of this personal family stuff. Sophia just shrugged it off, I mean, she was part of the family now anyways, right? She ignored the random feeling of guilt and focused on looking for cookie cutters. As she looked through all of the random things, something caught her eye. There was a small cardboard box with "CARL" written on it in bright red marker. She couldn't help but look inside. There were a bunch of old pictures from when he was younger, along with medals and crafts from the first grade. Sophia noticed how happy, innocent, and pure he looked. Carl looked like any other adorable toddler in the photos, with chubby cheeks and big blue eyes. What the hell happened? Of course, he was still happy, but what about the innocence and purity? Where the fuck did that go? It got her wondering what happened that totally changed him to the person he was now. Sophia continued looking through the small box. There were a couple rusty medals for winning a spelling bee in second, third, and fourth grade, along with old turkey hands and drawings from when he was learning the alphabet. Wow, he actually used to be pretty damn smart. She smiled at the thought of a mini Carl. Then, she suddenly felt guilty again for looking at this stuff, so she quickly closed up the box and put it back in its place on the shelf. Sophia searched around the closet desperately until she finally found the small box of colorful cookie cutters. She grabbed it off the shelf, closed the closet doors, and went back downstairs to the kitchen.

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