Chapter 21

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Sophia woke up the next morning, luckily it was Saturday so there was no school, and she felt like she had woken up with a hangover. She felt like she was totally drunk the night before and wasn't herself, which was technically the case. Sophia was so drunk on love that it was embarrassing, and she said things that she didn't mean to say, even though she was actually physically sober. She had woken up and decided that she would be a smart, strong, independent girl who didn't need any boy, and that she would no longer be his "toy" to mess with. She sat up as she looked over at Carl who was still asleep and mentally cursed him for being so beautiful and caring, yet he could be such a douchebag.

Sophia looked over at the clock, it was exactly 5 o'clock in the morning, so she decided to go outside and get some fresh air. Everyone in the house was still asleep and so she quietly grabbed a sweatshirt then tiptoed downstairs and went out the front door. The sun was rising and she was hit with a dull pastel sky and freezing crisp air. She sat down on the front patio steps and sighed, her breath showing as it floated out from between her pink lips. Sophia looked around, the rest of the neighborhood seemed to be asleep, too. She wrapped her arms around her body to stay warm as she looked down at the ground, trying to figure it all out. Trying to figure out what it all meant. She realized that she needed to get a grip and get over him since they clearly would never be together. Carl would never grow up and settle down for a real relationship, so she saw no point in continuing to drool over him. Sophia cursed quietly as she face palmed, she needed a way to get over him immediately. She needed to come up with a plan.

It was as if on cue that Debbie came outside through the front door and sat next to Sophia on the front steps. Perfect timing. The usually feisty girl looked exhausted as she spoke in a tired raspy voice, "Thinkin bout Carl?" Debbie was able to read Sophia like an open book. Sophia shamefully nodded her head and refused to make eye contact, "Yeah. As always. We talked last night about what we were. He likes me back, but he doesn't want to commit to me. He said that he isn't ready to change and he doesn't want to settle down with just one girl, he prefers hookups. I feel so stupid because he knows that I'm totally in love with him, and I totally gave into his little game. I need to move on, but he always keeps pulling me back in. God, I don't know what to do, I'm so stupid!" Sophia groaned with frustration as she buried her head in her hands. Debbie awkwardly patted Sophia's back and responded, "It's alright, you're not the only girl who he's done this to. It's his thing, he likes to make girls fall in love with him and then he ditches them. I hate him for doing that, it's like an addiction to him. But, you know, I can help you get over him. Maybe show him that you can move on and you won't sit here and gush over him forever." Sophia's head popped up and she shook Debbie's arm, "Yes! Please help me out here, I can't do this alone. He's got me hooked and I'm just stuck, it's like he owns me!"

Debbie laughed at how helpless Sophia was and she responded mischievously, "Well, I know a guy. He's in yearbook club with me and he's like, really hot. I know a couple girls who have a crush on him and he's single, so I can set you two up on a date. His name is Dylan and he's super sweet and smart, I think you'd like him. Keep in mind though, he's like the total opposite of Carl. He's really classy and mature, but in a good way. I have a feeling you guys would hit it off if I got him to take you on a date, it would make Carl totally jealous!" Sophia wasn't sure if she would like Dylan, apparently she had a thing for bad boys. She was also unsure about how things would go if Carl got jealous, but she was willing to do anything at this point, though, so she smiled excitedly, "Yeah let's do that! Who knows, maybe Dylan and I will actually end up liking each other and we'll become a thing?" Debbie nodded and stood up from the steps, "Okay, it's a plan. I'll go text him and set it up." She then ran back inside, leaving Sophia outside by herself again. Sophia sighed of relief, she was so happy that she was finally getting herself back on track. She was just tired of feeling so weak and vulnerable to him, like she needed him. She sat, leaned against a post on the patio and closed her eyes.
       Sophia was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when Carl groaned as he sat on the steps next to her. Oh great. He spoke in a deep, raspy morning voice, "Hey, what were you and Debbie talkin bout?" Sophia thought this would be a great moment to show off her new independence, "Oh she's just setting me up on a date with a guy named Dylan. He seems super sweet." Carl looked angry for a moment, but then he just smirked and chuckled. Sophia wasn't amused, "What's so funny?" He looked at the ground and smiled, "Nothin. I just didn't expect you to be the type of girl to try and make me jealous." How could everyone read her so easily??
        She tried to play it off, "Nope, I'm
not trying to make you jealous. Just being honest. I decided that if you don't want me then I won't waste my time waiting for you. Besides, I've moved on, I don't like you like that anymore." He now looked genuinely hurt but he wasn't going to be an ass about it. Carl stood up and nodded, giving her a small smile, "Aight, that's cool. I'm over it too, so it's all good. I ain't jealous, I hope you and this Dylan guy hit it off." Sophia sadly smiled, "Yeah." That's all she could say. He stood up from the steps and said, "I'm goin inside to get breakfast. Want anything?" Sophia shook her head and turned her head to look at the sky, "No thanks, I'm not very hungry." He was about to go back inside when he stopped, "Come inside, it's cold out here. Besides, you need to eat something." She sighed and stood up, following him back inside the house. This was what she was talking about, when he acted like a gentleman and all charming and caring, Sophia got pulled back in all over again.
         They sat on the couch next to each other and ate cereal as they watched the TV. It was quiet and slightly awkward, but it wasn't exactly tension. Carl was doing a really good job at pretending like he didn't care, which led Sophia to start to think that maybe he really didn't care. Maybe he couldn't give a shit if she had a date or not. Lord knows that Sophia would be upset if had a date with another girl. Debbie came downstairs from her room and glared at Carl, then spoke to Sophia, ignoring that he was in the same room as them, "Alright, Dylan said it sounds like a plan! He's taking you to dinner at 7 tonight, so wear something nice. Nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual. Find a medium." Sophia smiled, "Okay, thanks!" Debbie returned a grin as she flashed Carl one last glare, he glared back, and she skipped back up the stairs.
        Okay, now it was awkward. It was extremely quiet since the volume of the TV was down low until Carl spoke, "You should wear that little black dress you have, it looks good on you." She was shocked by his response, she expected something asshole-ish to come out of his mouth. Sophia's jaw was hung open when she finally responded, "Oh, uh yeah, okay. Thanks." He gave her a slight head nod when he got up from the couch, put his bowl in the sink, then went up to his room. Sophia felt guilt, it was wrong of her to rub it in his face that she was going on a date with someone else. She felt like this was all just one big lie.
      It was 6:45 and Sophia had just finished getting ready for her date with Dylan. She had on the tight short black dress that Carl had mentioned, and some black stilettos. Sophia definitely wasn't used to dressing up like this, but she kind of liked it. It made her feel sexy and confident for once. Debbie had straightened Sophia's hair for her and then put on only a little makeup on her so that she wouldn't look fake. Once they had finished their girl bonding makeover time, the door bell rang. Dylan was a little early but it was okay.
         Debbie wished Sophia good luck as she carefully walked downstairs so that she wouldn't fall in her heels, and then opened the front door. Dylan was standing there in a polo, skinny jeans, and Yeezy's. His outfit looked ridiculous, nothing matched. Also, he definitely was not as cute as Debbie made him sound. The first thing that came to Sophia's mind when she opened the door was, "Damn, Carl is a lot better looking than this guy." That was not a good sign. She pretended to be excited though and gave him a smile, "Hi! I'm Sophia Carter, it's so nice to finally meet you! Debbie said a lot of great things about you." Dylan gave her a big goofy smile and said, "Oh cool, uh I'm Dylan Monroe by the way. You look nice. Shall we go?" That was really cheesy. Sophia gave him a small smile as they went out the front door, but when she turned around to close it, she saw Carl leaning against the staircase with his arms crossed and jaw clenched. He did not look happy.
          It was about 8PM and Sophia just wanted to go home already. Dylan had taken her to Olive Garden, which was one of her favorite restaraunts, but he was so boring so it was extremely awkward. All he wanted to talk about was golf and why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. He only talked about himself and his stupid beliefs, he never asked Sophia about herself and so she was just listening to him yap the entire time.
        She had finally had enough and interrupted him mid-sentence, "Oh, uh, I just got really sick, Dylan. I'm so sorry but can you please take me home now? I don't feel well at all." He sighed out of annoyance, "Fine... Let's go." He slammed some cash down on the table and they left the restaurant. The car ride was uncomfortable, nobody said anything the entire time. There was no connection between them whatsoever, Sophia was really let down. Now what would she do? She still hadn't moved on from Carl, not one bit. After a long car drive, they finally made it back to the Gallagher house and Dylan dropped Sophia off. She got out of the car and said, "Thank you for dinner. I had a really nice time." He scoffed, "Yeah whatever. Don't bother texting me, and you look like shit by the way." He then sped off, not even walking Sophia up to the door. She wanted to cry, he had treated her so terribly. What did she ever do to him?? She's never had such a horrible time, Carl would have never treated her like that.
          She shivered as she hurried to get inside the house. The door was locked so she pounded on the door many times until Debbie finally answered, "Hey how was it? Are you guys totally in love?" Sophia started to cry, "I hate him! He was the biggest asshole in the world!" Debbie looked shocked as she let Sophia inside, then locked the door shut. Debbie said, "Aw what happened?" Sophia shook her head and wiped her eyes, "I don't want to talk about it. I just need to go to sleep." Debbie felt really bad and gave Sophia a sympathetic look. Sophia went upstairs and went into her and Carl's bedroom.
         When she entered the bedroom, Carl was up and had just put on a shirt for bed. Sophia slammed the door shut and sat down on the edge of their bed, pulling her high heels off and throwing them onto the floor. Tears flowed down her cheeks as he carefully approached her, "Babe are you okay? What the hell happened?" He sat next to her on the bed and she couldn't help but just cling onto him. She held onto his shoulders with both hands as she buried her face into his chest, getting tears all over his shirt. He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back, hushing her to relax.
       Sophia spoke in between gasps, "I-I'm never going to be over you." He sighed, "I don't know what happened, but I can treat you so much better. You know, I've been thinking about us all day, and I'm yours now. I'm all yours and you're all mine. I really do love you." She pulled away and smiled, wiping away her tears, "A-are you sure?" He nodded, "Yeah, I mean, if you still feel... that way." Sophia nodded rapidly, this was what she's always wanted since the day she met him: to be his.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: This made me happy :-) I hope you loved it! I'm going to sleep now, good night!

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