Kyungsoo's Birthday

Start from the beginning

Laynicorn: Guys, we all have to be nice because it's Kyungsoo's birthday! I'm sure he doesn't want anyone to be upset on his birthday

SatanSoo: I want everyone to murder each other, it's the only world I enjoy.

Laynicorn: .....

JongBAE: I have your unicorns Lay!!

*JongBAE logged off*


*Laynicorn logged off*

KimKaiii: what's Uniporn? Do I really want to know?

SatanSoo: I hope it involves murder....

BaoziBuns: Oh it has nothing to do with murder. All I can say is I'm never watching it for Lay ever again.

KungFuPanda: I though Lay is innocent

Mr.Galaxy: Suho is right night to me. Yelling in my ear. I can't deal with this.

*Mr.Galaxy logged off*

ByunBacon: Kyungsoo why do you always think about murder. All the fans think you're squishy. And they call you squishy.

SatanSoo: well, it's only acceptable from fans and Kai.

KungFuPanda: I don't want to hear anymore of Baekhyun's bullshit

*KungFuPanda logged off*

ByunBacon: At least I wasn't born as bullshit....

SatanSoo: You were born as trash that no one wants

ParkingChanyeol: I want Baekhyun!!

SatanSoo: Well you must be a bin then!

KimKaiii: It's Kyungie's birthday so you should agree on whatever he wants!

SatanSoo: I am your leader for today!

ByunBacon: I'm not going to listen to anything you want!

ParkingChanyeol: We have water balloons Baek! Let's through them at Kyungsoo!

BaoziBuns: Am I meant to be the responsible adult of this situation because if I am it's not happening. I just want coffee

KimKaiii: Xiumin you should take responsibility for the fact that it's Kyungsoo's birthday and Baek and Chan should listen to him

BaoziBuns: Oh okay.

BaoziBuns: Well listen to the birthday boy unless you want to live in hell

*BaoziBuns logged off*

SatanSoo: Xiumin is smart


*ByunBacon logged off*

*ParkingChanyeol logged off*

SatanSoo: So there will be murder today.....

KimKaiii: No. No murder. I don't want to see murder.

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: .....

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii:. .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: .....

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii:. .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: .....

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii:. .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: .....

KimKaiii: .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii:. .....

SatanSoo: ......

KimKaiii: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

SatanSoo: Fine no murder

KimKaiii: Yay!! Thank you Kyungie :)

SatanSoo: I have too much of a soft spot for you....

*SatanSoo logged off*

KimKaiii: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

*KimKaiii logged off* 


Happy birthday Kyungieeee~~~!!

Yes it was a couple of days ago, yes yesterday was Kai's, yes I will update Kai's soon. Tomorrow. Hopefully. He is my bias so probably tomorrow.

Also happy birthday Hyungwon :)

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