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I walked into the kitchen in the morning to see Mitch trying to reach the flour, which was in the highest cupboard.

"Need any help there, Mitchie?"

"No! I got it! Sit and wait for your-- ugh-- pancakes."

I snorted. "Okay."

I sat on the breakfast bar, an amused smile dancing on my lips.

Mitch kept grunting every few seconds.

I laughed when he finally decided to climb on the counter and get it. Before he could fall and get hurt I walked over and got him down and grabbed the little box.

"I had it under control, you know?" Mitch asked me. He crossed his arms over his chest and was lightly blushing, reminding me of a little kid.

I chuckled. "Sure you did, Melissa."

"I hate you." He punched my chest.

With the smile still on my face, I kissed his forehead. "I love you, too."

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