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Scott's father owned a little bakery.

Scott worked there every day after school, trying to save up money for college.

"Hey, Scott, meet Mitch, your new co-worker." Rick said, a brunette boy with his hair to the side behind him.

Scott, who was sweeping, looked at Mitch, nodded, and looked back to what he was doing. He'd had a pretty bad day and didn't feel like talking to anyone but the customers he was attending.

That happened about a year ago. Mitch and Scott became best friends and they were inseparable.

Mitch and Scott were talking when the bells chimed. Scott went to attend the person and Mitch stayed in the kitchen.

"Oh, hey, Kayla. What can I get you?" Scott asked a girl from high school, who flirted with him too often. But of course, he was oblivious.

"I was in the mood for a cupcake. Can you get one for me?" Scott nodded, not realizing she was wearing a very slutty outfit.

"Coming right up." He gave her a smile. Kayla sat at the counter so she could see Scott.

A few moments later, Scott appeared with a chocolate cupcake with blue frosting. Kayla swiped her finger through it and brought it to her mouth. She let out an obscene sound.

"You know what I'm also in the mood for? A coffee. With thick, thick cream." Kayla put emphasis on, well, you know.

"Stephanie! Clean up on tables one, two, and four!" Scott heard from the kitchen, followed by his short friend appearing from the back room with a rag.

Scott smiled and rolled his eyes playfully. "Can you give me a second, Michelle? I'm making coffee."

Mitch rolled the rag and 'whipped' Scott with it. "I'll finish, Noodle."

Scott chuckled and grabbed the rag. He was walking out but jumped when he felt a mild sting on his behind. He looked back and saw Mitch making the coffee with a little smirk.

"Fuck you, Grassi." Scott said.

"Love you too, Hoying." Mitch responded.

Kayla watched the whole encounter, fuming. How dare some random twink interrupt her 'Flirt-Sesh' (as she obnoxiously called it) with Scott Hoying?

"Hey, Mitch, is it?" Kyla asked in a friendly tone.

Mitch rolled his eyes. He really hates this girl.

"Yes. Here's your coffee. With thick cream." Mitch mocked.

Kyla glared at him. "How much is it?"

"Five dollars and six cents." Mitch said.

Scott then went behind the counter. "Hey, that's my job. Go get some donuts for the display, they ran out."

Mitch scoffed. "You're not the boss of me."

"Well, my father gives you your paycheck so I could make some changes. You know, take some of your pay." Scott crossed his arms over his chest, Mitch mirroring his actions.

Mitch loved banter. It was especially fun with someone who shared his sense of humor. "Fine. But don't you dare touch my paycheck."

Scott rolled his eyes, and spanked Mitch's butt as he walked by. An inside joke of sorts. Mitch saw that Kyla wasn't even there anymore. Through the glass he saw her retreating figure.

'Poor girl can't figure it out yet... Oh, well.' Mitch thought.

Scott let out a frustrated sigh. "She didn't pay. I'll hunt her down tomorrow at school."

Mitch rolled his yes. "Okay, then. Remember, though, its your turn to pay for lunch."

Scott playfully hit Mitch's shoulder. "Go away, you have work to do!" He whined.

"No I don't!"

"There are literally twenty people waiting in line!" Scott pointed at the people in line.

"I see about two, first of all, so chill your shit, and second of all, go fill the damn display!" Mitch pushed Scott into the kitchen.

Mitch turned to the cash register and took everyone's orders.


They were closing up the shop when Scoot got a call from his dad.

"Hey, dad. What's up?"

"Oh, hey. Your mom and I were wondering what college you were going to?"

Scott looked confused. "Um... Washington University... why?"

"Oh, no reason. We were just wondering how long it would take to drive there. Okay, nevermind. See you later." He hung up.

"Uh... that was weird." Scott got in the car and started it. He waited patiently for Mitch to finish locking up.

Mitch got in and immediately started talking. "I'm going to try something, okay?"

"Oka-" Scott got cut off when Mitch practically jumped to Scott's seat and kissed him.

It took Scott a moment but he started kissing back.

When they pulled away, they were both lightheaded.

"You are such a good kisser, what the fuck?" Mitch said.

Scott smirked. "You're not too bad yourself."

They stayed silent just staring at each other for about three seconds before Mitch hands flew to Scott's neck and Scott's hands went to hold Mitch hips. They kissed again with even more passion.

At this point, Mitch's legs were at either side of Scott's thighs. Scott and Mitch's tongue fought for dominance, Scott obviously winning.

"My place or yours?" Scott asked in between kisses.

"Mine, my parents are home just hurry the fuck up."


A/N: Well, that escalated quickly, didn't it? A friend of mine will write the smut in her one shot book, for those of you little demons who want it. I'll tell you when! Love you guys!

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