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A/N: This is kinda sad. Maybe I'll do a part two? By the way, that picture is what he looked like. The before was when he got rejected and the now is after the time skip. Oh, and hxley_ann HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hopefully you'll like this?


Mitch was the reject.

Simple as that.

He was the only male Omega in the school and he always got picked on.

He was about to turn 17, so maybe that would help.

See, when werewolves turn 17, they find their mate. Maybe Mitch's mate would be a nice one.

He went to sleep with the thought of a nice mate and a nice life.


When he arrived to school, he couldn't have been more nervous. He was walking towards his first class, when one of his bullies approached him. He thinks his name was Scott..?

As soon as he looked at him his wolf screamed 'MATE! THAT'S YOUR MATE!'.

Scott grimaced when he saw who his mate was. He then said something that had never been said. Never.

"I reject you as my mate." And walked away.

Mitch just ran out of the school. Everyone laughed at him for being rejected. He ran to the woods near the school and shifted.

His wolf was white with a few brown spots here and there. He ran and ran until his wolf couldn't run anymore. He just laid down and stayed there, crying.

*****3 years later*****

A lot happened in those three years. Mitch got over it. He sang at a karaoke night and he met a producer called Ben Bram. He is now a national celebrity. He hasn't bothered looking for a boyfriend, since he can't love anyone apart from his mate.

Sure, he has a mansion, millions of fans, many cars. But a life without love is nothing. He knew Scott couldn't love anyone else, either.

He was about to do a concert in Arlington, and he dreaded it. He was scared he would see Scott again.


"Thank you!" He said into the microphone before heading backstage. He normally had his Meet & Greets after his concerts, so he was getting ready for it.

After the 50+ people he was finally getting to the last three.

And finally, the last one.

"Hey! Who should I--?" He cut off his own sentence when his wolf screamed the words again. 'MATE! THAT'S YOUR MATE!'



Scott's wolf was screaming at him, too.


Scott growled under his breath.

"Um... Come with me backstage." Mitch said and walked inside, Scott following.

They sat in a couch, facing each other.

"Mitch, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I-"

"I get it Scott. I was the weird kid. I was ugly and-"

"You weren't!"

"Yes I was! But you can't just switch things around. You can't just come back to me just because I lost some weight and I'm rich." Mitch felt his eyes filling with tears.

"Mitch, you were beautiful then, you're beautiful now. I don't care if you're rich or homeless. I just want you."

"Then why did you reject me?!" Mitch raised his voice a little.

Honestly, Scott didn't know the answer to that question. Why did he bully such a beautiful person? Why did he reject him?

"Mitch, I want to try this. I want us to be mates. I don't want to love somebody else. I can't." He held Mitch's hand. "I don't care if I have to go to the moon and back, I want you." Scott's eyes turned red.

Mitch looked away, his eyes still brown. "I..."

To say Scott got worried is an understatement. Scott looked at him expectantly.

When Mitch made eye contact with Scott again, his eyes were blue. Scott smiled and brought his hand to Mitch's cheek.

"Okay." Mitch said breathily.

Scott's eyes got impossibly darker and he connected his lips with Mitch's.

There was only one word in Mitch's mind.


Finally he isn't mateless.

Finally he is happy.

Finally he has Scott.

They broke the kiss when there was a knock on the door. Esther barged in. "Mitch! We have to go, you have an early flight tomorrow!"

She walked over to Mitch, grabbed his arm, and pulled him up. Scott growled and put his arms around Mitch, pulling him onto his lap.

"Calm down! We have to go. Release him." Esther said in a strict voice, and Scott obliged with a huff.

"Can't you come with me? I'll get you a plane ticket and you can go with us?" Mitch asked hopefully.

"O-okay. Yeah." Scott smiled. Mitch returned it and kissed Scott again.

"Okay, lovebirds let's go!" Esther left the room.

Scott and Mitch followed her hand in hand.

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