Not The Same

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A/N: PG-13-R no smut tho lolololololol

p.s. Hallelujah came on while I was writing this and I was like nope not rn lol


"Okay, class! You will have a project, but I will assign the pairs." The class sighed in annoyance.

"...Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying." I looked at Scott.

I couldn't believe I got paired up with the nerdiest student in college.

I sat next to Scott. "Can we work Saturday night?"

Scott looked nervous. "Uh... n-no. I can't on Saturday nights."

I nodded. "Friday night?"

"Um, Friday nights, either. And Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights. Only afternoons."

I raised an eyebrow. "What the hell do you do?"

"N-nothing of your concern." We planned to meet after class and discuss when to do the project.

During the rest of class, I thought about Scott.

He had a fair amount of stubble, and his hair was great. If he lost the glasses and his fashion got better, he'd actually be pretty hot.


Scott and I went to my place to get started on the project.

He was there for no more than 50 minutes before his phone buzzed and he had to leave.

I decided staying home would be boring, so I went to a club nearby called 'Beat'. A lot of people talked about it so I thought I'd go.

When I walked in I was hit with the smell of alcohol and the vibrations of the bass.

I went to the bar and ordered a few shots. I downed all of them and went to the stage. I thought some singers would come out.

Boy, was I wrong.

((start song))

The lights dimmed and I noticed there was chair in the middle of the stage.

Then, a dancer came out. His back was turned to the stage but I could see he was muscular. He was shirtless, with skinny jeans and a SnapBack.

He was dancing with his back still towards the crowd. When he turned, I audibly gasped.

Scott?! This is why he was busy?!

He scanned the crowd until his eyes met mine. He hopped off the stage and approached me.

Scott grabbed my hand and pulled me up, then leading me to the chair.

Apparently, this was a strip club. Wow, okay. Could have warned me first.

When the chorus started, he started doing body rolls, basically on me. The whole crowd cheered and whistled. Well, the boys did. The girls were screeching.

Then he did some fucking Magic Mike shit, and wow. The crowd went wild, and I'm 99.9% sure I was blushing like crazy. My hand went up to cover my mouth when his crotch got close to my face.

Never in my whole life would I have guessed the "nerd" did this for a living.

He acted like he didn't know me, like I was another stranger.

When the song ended, he grabbed a mic.

"You enjoying yourself?" He said in the deepest, sexiest voice I'd heard coming from him.

The girls squealed and screamed and the boys whistled.

"What's your name, baby?" He asked, and I had to try not to scream, because holy shit.


"Well, Mitch, why don't you pass backstage? Later you'll get a prize for being such a good sport." Damn, that voice.


It was about five minutes before the door to the room opened. Finally, in came a sweaty Scott whose hat had somehow disappeared in the crowd. His hair was sweaty and all over the place and fuck, he looked hot.

"Ready for your prize, babygirl?" He said in that fucking voice.

I just grabbed him by the back of his neck and kissed him hungrily.

He wasted no time slipping his tongue in my mouth, dominating immediately.

He moved to pay special attention to my neck. "I'm taking that as a yes."


A/N: if you little devils want it, my friend JoshlerGrassiHoying will write the smut. Love y'all!!

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