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A/N: Okay, so the reason I'm writing this is because TWD Season 3 is finally out!! The video game, btw. I missed Clementine so much and now she's a badass and I'm really happy. So, enjoy this Zombie Apocalypse AU! Love y'all!! This is also a celebration for 4K READS!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!


Scott walked around the warehouse, looking for supplies. He only had a few protein bars left, and he planned on giving most to Kirstie, who was trailing behind him.

He pried open a door and smiled when he saw the place clean, as if no one had looted it yet. "Kirst! Here!" The blonde yelled.

Kirstie pulled her gun up a bit more and followed behind Scott.

"Grab as much as you can." Kirstie went to work grabbing all kinds of canned goods.

"Hands up where can I see them. You try anything and I'm blowing your head off." Scott and Kirstie froze and put their hands up slowly. They turned around to see three men.

The shortest one spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"W-we were getting food. We thought it didn't belong to anyone." Kirstie answered.

"Well it does. Now, tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now?"

The African-American man spoke up. "Maybe they have good intentions?"

Mitch scoffed. "I don't give a rat's ass about what their intentions are. Avi, Kevin, put them in the truck. I'm taking them back to Wellington."


Scott and Kirstie were roughly pulled out of the van.

"Lock them up. I'll be with them in a few minutes." The short one said.

"Yes, sir." The African-American man and the Jesus-looking one said in unison.

Scott and Kirstie were in their little cell now.

"Fuck." Scott sat down against the back wall.

Kirstie sat next to him. "I'm sorry, sis. I thought that place wasn't taken."

She put her head on his chest and he put his arm around her. "It's okay, Scott."

The short man then appeared. "Okay, dipshits, talk. How did you end up there?"

"We were looking for food, since we were running low. We stumble upon the warehouse and assumed no one had been there." Scott explained.

"We'll let you stay on one condition. Only three meals per day and two snacks, no more, no less."

Scott stood up, his younger sister following. "And what makes you think we want to stay?"

"Because we can give you food, shelter and protection."

"There must be a catch." Kirstie said.

"You have to work. I don't care if it's in the kitchen, or night watch, but you have to do something."

Scott looked at Kirstie, and she gave him a look only Scott could read. "Fine."

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