Not The Same pt. 2

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p.s. JoshlerGrassiHoying is working on the oh so wanted smut


So, last night was... eventful. Let's recap, shall we?

1. I got paired up with the "nerd" in class.

2. We hung out for literally 50 minutes since he has a "busy schedule".

3. I went to a new club, which had NO signs of being a strip club until the show started.

4. Turns out Scott without glasses and better clothes wasn't just hot, he was wOw??

5. I had the most mind blowing night ever with someone who is apparently two people?

The next day when we finished the project at my house I confronted him about it.

"So, uh... what the fuck was that last night?"

He got nervous all of a sudden. "Um... me doing my job and then doing it with a really hot guy..?"

I got a small smile. "The hot guy enjoyed it, believe me, he did. But he was so confused as to how someone could pass from 'weirdly cute' to 'sex god' that fast."

Scott smirked, and could basically see the lightbulb light up. He stood up from my desk chair and slowly walked to where I was on the bed.

"Well, it's easy. I just have to make my voice go like... this." And just like that, his voice was back to that damn voice that got the butterflies in my stomach going crazy.

"And I just get really close to the person." He said, trapping me on the bed with his arms, still talking in that voice.

"Get them all... heated..." His lips barely brushed against mine. "Making them thirsty for more, until..." He suddenly ceased all movement and pulled away from my body completely. "Gotta go."

I sat up immediately. "Bitch! You're gonna leave me here like this?!"

He smirked and ran a hand through his hair. "Duty calls... bye, Mitch."

And he just left like it was nothing, leaving me there with a problem to fix.

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