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A/N: based on that one Thomas Sanders Vine (r.i.p. Vine) called 'HOW WE ACT AROUND TEACHERS'. I have no idea how this happened but I was just watching a Vine compilation and the Vine popped up and idk. My Scömíche brain just took over ? At the end it suddenly turned into Tease idfk it jUST HAPPENED DON'T JUDGE ME


Mitch was a junior in high school. He was terrified. He'd seen what bullying could do to people, and he wasn't very excited.

He saw the seniors walking around like they owned the place. Technically, they did. You mess with them, your reputation will completely change.

It was the first week in and Mitch was incredibly bored in class, since they were only reading quietly, while Mr. Kaplan sat on his desk. The door opened and in came Scott Hoying. The most popular senior. He was known for being accepting and laid back. He didn't have bad grades, either.

"Aye, Kaplan!!" He slid on the teacher's desk, making him chuckle. "Y'all better respect him, he's a fun one!" All the students rolled his eyes, except Mitch who let out a snort. Everyone looked at him.

"He's my favorite, he has a sense of humor. The rest of you are all boring." Scott said, still sitting on Kaplan's desk, but with his phone out.

Mitch blushed. That compliment probably meant nothing to Scott, but it was the first compliment Mitch had gotten by anyone in the school.

Kaplan stood up. "Are you done, Scott? I have a class to teach."

Scott shrugged, scrolling on his phone. "I'll hang around. Need any help?"

"Yes, actually, I can use some help. Don't you have any classes, though?"


"Oh... kay. Hand out those papers to the class."

Scott grabbed the papers and did as told. When he passed Mitch's desk, he winked at him. Mitch blushed furiously and the blonde smirked.

This went on for the whole class. Scott subtly winked at Mitch or passed his hand on Mitch's shoulder or arm, Mitch blushing every time.

When class ended, Mitch was incredibly thankful. He didn't know what was happening.

He was the last person to leave. He turned right to exit the school, as it was the last class, when he felt a slap on his behind. The brunette yelped and turned around, only to see Scott's retreating figure.


When he got home, he opened his bag to do his homework. He saw little folded up paper.

Mitch furrowed his eyebrows and read the note.

'You're way out of my league but hey, worth a shot. Call me? <3

Mitch felt heat rising up his cheeks. He squealed.

I guess high school won't be that bad...

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