20 | Execute

151 11 8

Ready or not
Here I come
You can't hide

Nov 1, 22:00

A body flew into a building, crashing hard and slumping to the ground as Clayface laughed loudly, grabbing Pyrrha's attention.

"Clayface!" She shouted. "That's enough!" She flew quickly to the rubble pile, waving Clayface to leave before she destroyed him for finishing Batman. In a frenzy, she dug through the rubble and lifted the body out. Freezing in place, she began to glow intensely as she held the limp body in one hand, the black and yellow tattered cape flapping in the wind.

"You said this was B1. Tell me, does this look like Batman?!" Pyrrha growled to her Jiminy Cricket, taking off and tossing the boy's utility belt.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Cheshire's men must've switched the trackers!" He panicked as she threw Robin back into the rubble with a thud.

"Then," she said through her teeth, "tell me where B2 is. NOW!"

"Um... er... Ms. Pyrrha, be advised, orders are to move on to S1."

"NO!" She roared, blasting a building down.
"This is why dogs should remain leashed," Klarion snickered.

"Give her a moment. There's still time. Vengeance isn't an opportunity that should be ignored," Ocean Master said.
She paced madly around a groaning Robin. Yanking him by his cape, she pulled him under the streetlight. He opened his eyes, blinded.

"Where is Batman?!" Her altered voice echoed off of the surrounding buildings. He looked at her top to bottom, his heart racing. He could feel the heat even from her distance and saw the snow melting around her.

"Who are you?" He asked as he touched his earpiece, sending a distress call to Batman. Knowing the Batfamily's tricks, she quickly reached to his ear and pulled it out.

"Robin? Robin!" Batman's voice only fueled her fire.

"Get here quick, Batman," she warned. "There might not be much left of the boy if you don't." She crushed the small tech.

"If you think I'm gonna die easily, you must be new here," he boasted while lying on the ground.

"I don't want you to die easily. I want you to die loudly." Fire bloomed from her fingers as she grabbed his ankle. His suit melted to him as he screamed and he delivered a swift kick to the side of her helmet making her let go.

"There was a time where that would have sent me to the ground," she laughed. "Not anymore, though. I don't have much time and I need the Bat's attention."

He gritted his teeth and stood up quickly, getting in a fighting stance.

"How cute. You think you stand a chance." She lit her arm on fire and punched his chest, burning his suit. He screamed and collapsed back to the ground. "Ya know, he'll just use you up." She walked around him. "Batman will always have a Robin but that Robin won't always be you. He has an unlucky habit of picking up strays and those strays never live long. Except for the first one who came out quite damaged. Wouldn't you agree, Nightwing?" She said over her shoulder.

The original Boy Wonder fell to the ground behind her.

"Let him go." He warned. Robin groaned in pain and relief.

"No," she said playfully. "I don't think I will."

"What was the point of this? What does the Light get from any of this?" Nightwing raised his arms to the destruction.

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