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When it's cold out
When the night is still
And you're standin' alone

Team Year Three
Jan 2, 23:36

The rain stung as it bounced off the cold, Gotham concrete and onto my face as I huddled under a soggy cardboard roof. I made no effort to dry my soaked short black hair that stuck to my face as I tried to take my mind off the slowly creeping numbness of my extremities. My stomach burned from hunger and cold as I watched a sleek luxury car pull up to the corner market I was planning on spending the night next to. The driver left his car running and walked into the store.

Is this fool new to Gotham?

I watched the good looking moron walk into the store and checked out the surrounding area for cops.

If I don't take it, someone else will.

I snuck to the unlocked driver side and jumped in with no end game planned. Once inside, I drove to a spot that I could safely sleep in the warm vehicle before hocking it to a chop shop.

Or until Gotham's finest found me.

I let the adrenaline subside and noticed a bag of warm fast food on the passenger seat. Grabbing the warm burger--a full, completely uneaten burger--I bit into it and enjoyed the luxury most people took for granted.

Thank you, mysterious idiot.

The rain had stopped and a small bird landed on the hood, eyeing me and my burger through the glass. I smirked at it and finished my burger dramatically to taunt it. The only thing missing now was to wash it all down with a drink. I looked around and found nothing.

That's why he went into the mini-mart. Damn it.

Guilt set in. This wasn't me. I wasn't the type of person who committed grand theft auto. Hell, I wasn't even someone who would eat another person's bag'o'burgers. I thought about the young guy who was now paying for my 'good luck'. The guilt started to build in my stomach and rise to my chest.

Nope. That's not guilt.

The food began to come back up. I was just about to yak all over what I assumed was Italian leather when a deep voice grumbled from the back.

"You ate too fast."

I propelled myself into the dash and hit my head against the windshield. The car was dark and I panicked as I tried to escape the locked car.

"Why are there so many damn buttons in this spaceship!?" I yelled.

"Calm down," the deep voice said calmly, slightly entertained at my fumbling attempts to find the unlock button. "You aren't in trouble."

I don't know why I didn't run. Maybe it was his steady voice, maybe it was fate, or maybe it was plain stupidity. I do know it was curiosity that made me turn on the dome light and that's when I saw Bruce Wayne himself.

I just carjacked and kidnapped Bruce Wayne. Gods, help me.

"I only wanted somewhere to sleep," I said quietly, but I kept my eyes on his blue ones. "I'll pay you whatever you need for damages."

He smirked and sat forward in his seat. "Seeing as you were just planning on a cardboard hotel for the night, I doubt you even have a wallet."

"How di--" I cast my grey eyes down in shame. "I can drive you back to your friend... driver... person."

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