4 | Spite

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Underneath that shirt you're wearing
Strained muscles and a heart of stone
Leather costume like a wild chameleon
You make me want to be alone

Team Year Six
July 10, 02:27

I was irritated awake by a flurry of buttons beeping. Still restrained, I twisted my head and saw a familiar shape.

Familiar... and hated.

"Well, well," I coughed hoarsely. "Since when did the Watchtower have prison cells, Bruce?"

His Majesty of the Stoicism Kingdom showed no emotion as he stared at the computer monitor. I rolled my eyes but that was about all I could do in this sorry state. Seeing him so close but with no energy to finish the job I set out to do months ago was like an itch I couldn't scratch--a feeling I knew all too well this year.

"It's not a prison." The classic Batman voice broke the silence. "It's the only room we have that can hold you safely in an event you lose control."

Taking care to keep my temperature down, I chuckled as much as my hurting ribs would let me which finally gave me the Bat's attention. He glanced up from his control panel and scowled.

"This amuses you."

"You amuse me, Bruce. After all this time, after I've humiliated you with my powers, you think I can't control myself? I've never been in more control. Look at what I've been through! I probably could blow this illegal space heap to mere ashes and survive."

He didn't respond to my taunt and returned to the monitor. I thought about the Light's attack on me and wondered how I got here after my request for their aid was denied.

"I would've assumed you would have let me die out there. Y'know, after everything I've done?"

"You assumed wrong," he said curtly. He remained at the computer, never looking at me--and I saw right through it. He was lying. Bruce Wayne wasn't a complicated man--despite what the giggling women who threw themselves at him thought. He was still just a man that didn't like to talk about his emotions. If I dug that knife in, I'd eventually get something out.

"Did I assume wrong, though? See, I know I passed out--y'know, from the blood loss--but I'm gonna bet it wasn't you who brought me through the zeta. No, Master Wayne would never dare dirty his hands with traitorous filth like his bad apple of a protege, Jet Starling. Especially after everything I had done. I bet you even made a case to leave me to die in the streets of Metropolis."

His jaw clenched slightly and I knew the hook was in. All I needed to do was reel it in.

"After everything we've been through." I pretended to start crying. "Y-you were m-my family, Bruce! You would let me d-die alone? I'm just a child..."

I burst into laughter, despite my injuries. I coughed as I composed myself and looked back over at him. His fists rested on the computer console as he fought to remain composed.

Keep reeling.

"I guess it isn't a surprise. Seeing me on death's door is a familiar sight to you now, right? Tell me, Bruce, how did it feel to see another one of your precious bat-orphans dying? Bring up any memories? Or were you just mad because you didn't make any money off of me this time?"

He looked over at me with anger in his eyes. "You have no idea what you are talking about, Regina."

"Oh, no? I saw what you made from that deal!"

"You saw what he wanted you to see!"

Just the mention of him made my glow completely disappear and a tear escaped my eye.

"I hate you. It's because of you he even was able to get near me. It's because of you that I am this monster. I can't wait to see your face when they come back."

"Savage? Where did he go, Regina? Regina answer me!"

"You don't scare me Bruce. I've danced with the devil, himself." I grinned mischeviously. "Hey wanna see a trick?"

I immolated myself but remained on the bed as the nozzles above me did their best to cool me off with their silly foam. But I just burned hotter and laughed. The pain felt good. He growled as he hit a button that released white fog from the vents.

"Gas?!" I laughed. "Who's the monster now, Bruce?"

I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier. The pain from my chest, arms, and legs faded as I passed out and a single tear rolled down my cheek.


Batman walked out of the hospital room and turned to watch the nurses rush in to take vitals from the unconscious criminal. Flash zoomed up on him.

"You talk to her yet?" Flash asked.

"She mentioned that 'they' are coming back. I don't believe she meant just Vandal Savage and the witch boy."

"Yeah..." Flash rubbed the back of his neck. "I meant mending things between you two."

The gruff man glared at the other.

"Listen, all I'm saying is time is..." He lowered his eyes as he thought of the past month. "Time goes fast. We aren't always guaranteed a tomorrow to say what we meant to say today."

"We have nothing to say to each other."

"Batman," Wonder Woman's voice scolded from behind them but only Flash looked back to see Wonder Woman, Black Canary, and Superman. Batman kept his attention on the young woman.

"She was your protege. That has to mean something."

"Was. That means more."

The others looked at each other.

"She's been through a lot." Superman sighed. "And changed a lot. Even I can't believe that's Jet Starling. I can still feel her attack like it was yesterday."

"Soooo, what do we do with her?" Flash asked. "She knows the Light's plan. Maybe the Martians can get the knowledge from her?"

"I talked to J'onn." Wonder Woman said. "Miss Martian made it clear that she refuses to do it and that if J'onn did it, we'd create animosity between us and the Team."

"They've sure gotten more mature in our absence," said Superman.

"They've been through a lot," Black Canary said. She turned to the young woman behind the glass. "They all have."

"Exactly." Batman pointed to his former partner. "That isn't Jet Starling. You've brought a murderer and a psychopath aboard."

"Or maybe she has changed," Wonder Woman challenged him. "They tried to kill her for a reason. We send her back with no defense or no alliances, she'll die."

"She's too stubborn to die."

"Must be a bat thing," Flash mumbled. Batman glared at him before continuing.

"We can find out the Light's plan on our own. As soon as she's healthy enough, send her back." Batman glared at the group, daring any of them to argue. "And someone needs to remind the Team to remain professional with her. If they let themselves be blinded by their history, others could pay the price."

The group sighed as he walked away.

"They aren't the ones blinded by the past," Wonder Woman said softly.

"So who's gonna tell them?" Flash asked to the heroes. Without a word, they walked away and he was left on his own. "Aw, man. They're gonna eat me alive."

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