10 | Domino

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And what I do to get through to you
But you'd only do it again

Team Year Three
Oct 24, 23:11

"Regina!" Bruce yelled as I hastily jumped out of the Batmobile. I tore off my black eye mask and threw it back at him.

"No! I'm done!" I yelled back. He moved quickly towards me and grabbed my arm. Bad move. I spun around and shot my free fist at him. He, of course, blocked it and grabbed my wrist. Throwing my feet up to his chest, I kicked off into a back flip causing him to fall back, breaking his hold. I stood up and took pleasure in seeing him pick himself off the ground.

"Regina," he said gruffly. "Let's just talk."

"Oh I'll talk. She almost killed me, Bruce!"

Dick spun around in the chair by the computer, amused as he took a loud bite out of an apple.

"I had it controlled."

"No. Talia had YOU controlled." I jabbed my finger at him. "Ya know, I don't care that you love her. I don't care about your history. In fact, I fucking ship it."

"Wait, what is-"

"But, I should matter to you too." I stared him down trying to see even a glimmer of regret or any emotion in his eyes. I was left disappointed.

"You were fine," he clumsily broke the silence.

"Oh my gods! You are just like the rest of them. You think you're doing a good thing by taking me in but the moment something higher on your priority list comes along, I'm fending for myself."

"Dont compare me to them, Regina," he growled. "Haven't I taught you how to protect yourself?"

"Yeah. Only took getting kidnapped and tortured by Scarecrow. You really want to take credit for that? That's not the point! I needed you and you abandoned me--again. For what? Some star-crossed love nonsense?" A loud crunch from the peanut gallery broke the building anger inside of me. "I'm supposed to be your partner, Bruce. Not a third wheel. I'm done. I'm done with being second best. I deserve so much more."

Oct 25, 01:12

I sat on the roof of Wayne Tower looking out over the gloomy Robinson Park thinking about my resignation. Footsteps came behind me as Dick sat down next to me and leaned back on his hands.

"I know what you're going to say." I whispered, embarrassed. "I overreacted. I know. I just--"

"Want him to care." His stare was steady on the Gotham skyline as I looked at him. He was only sixteen but he looked older than he should. And sadder.

"Yeah." I confessed.

"Yeah." He echoed me and we sat in silence, both having gone through the same detached mentorship and both now getting lost in our memories.

"You should tell Bruce you want a few missions with us," he said, shattering our pity party. "We'd love to have you, Reg. Some more than others." He hinted, smirking.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, confused. "And I have asked only to be ignored. Maybe I should get a new mentor," I mused. "I know Superman likes me."

"Only because you both have no inhibitions. Once he gets angry, no stoppin' him. You're the same. Whether the perp stole a candy bar or the royal jewels, he or she deserves an ass-kicking in your eyes. You have a short fuse with the bad guys and with your partner. A mentor isn't supposed to be a mirror. You have to learn something from them."

Hatred Never Looked This Good (Young Justice) [1/3]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ