He goes towards Ragini and pushes her down...

Rags cries plss leave me pls don't so this with me plss.

Yuvi-why should I...I still have to humiliate u and I will start by leaking this video...

Rags-plsss don't do thiss

He picks his phone and about to send when he gets hit by a stone and he turns and sees swalaksan standing there

Rags smiles seeing them...

Sanskar comes and beats him...

San-How dare u????
How dare u kidnap Ragini(he slaps him)

Swara goes to untie Ragini and they hug each other..

Swa-Are u ok???

Rags-Yes Swara iam ok...

Lak also goes to beat yuvi and they all fight and suddenly some goons come as well and they all fight with each other and swaragini are getting scared..

Yuvi goes to swara while sanlak are busy fighting with goons..

Yuvi puts the gun on swara's head and she shoutss..rags also shouts

Yuvi-Stop it u two or else I'll kill her..

San(stops)-Hey leave her...u idiot

Rags-leave her Yuvi plss

Lak(closes his fist in anger and stops fighting)-Leave her....Yuvraaj..I said Leave swara else u will see the worst of me..

Yuvi(laughs)-Oh really... Oh what a chemistry between these lovers he always fight with me becoz of this girl who is nothing...

Lak- She is nothing to u because u don't know anything about her...but for me She is my LIFE...Leave her(He goes near her)

Ragsan are shocked to see him as well as swara who is numb after his answer.


San signals lak to go near him and he goes from behind to hit yuvi and yuvi falls down.

Just then police comes and arrests yuvi and yuvi gets back to his senses and shouts..I'll come back to take Revenge..

Swara hugs laksh...he too reciprocates

Ragsan also hug each other..

Rags-Thank u so much sanskar..if u wouldn't have come then I might have....(stopped by him)

San-are u mad if u would have died what would happen to me Ragini..


Just then meera and arjun comes and coughs..

Meerjun(meera+arjun)-uhum uhum...

They see them and compose themselves

San-How did u come here meera and who is he??

Meera-Bhai he is ur childhood friend Arjun..

Lak-Haa bhai and meeru how do u know him...

Swa-Offo will u tell everything here itself let's go from here first.

They all leave.

They all go to Maheshwari mansion..

Everyone is telling their stories but Ragink is silent and sitting quiet and sanskar notices her and thinks something..

San-What happen chipkali why r u so quiet..

Rags-Nothing....(she realises what he said and she stands up to beat him and they have a pillow fight while swalak are laughing along with Meera and Arjun is shocked as to what's happening)

San-Stop it Chipkali

Rags-U bandar..

Swalak in unison-Guysss stop it..what r u doing...see the room.

They all see the condition of the room all messed up and they shouts-Noooooooo...and they all laugh together...

After sometime Arjun leaves and Meera also goes to sleep..

Swa-guys I want to go home now..

Lak-Don't go now..

Ragsan look at him


San-Oye laksh why so u want her to stay...


Rags-oho laksh why r u hestitating tell it clearly na that u like her...

Sanlak together-what???
While swa blushes

Rags-(laughs)-look at ur face...iam joking.

They all laugh and after sometime laksh goes to drop swara while ragsan are still in the room

Rags-sanskar yuvi told me something


Rags tells him everything and he is shocked

San-What.....Rags that means u have a sis too...

Rags-yes but iam thinking why maa didn't tell me anything...

San-She must be worried for u na...ok we will first look for ur sis and father and then ask ur mom ok....

Rags-Ok thank u sanskar(She hugs him tight and he is shocked by her sudden reaction but he too reciprocates)

Scene shifts to swalak in the car.

Swa-lucky...why r u so silent.

Lak-swara do u want me to sing a song.

Swa-No lucky not sing but at least u can speak na.

Lak-About what.

Swa-laksh u wanted to speak to me in the room and now u....u know what u r hopeless(she angrily says)

Lak-hopeless????Swara u find me hopeless..... U know what Just leave it....

They reach swaras home and laksh leaves after dropping her..

The episode ends...

Thank u everyone for all ur support...I hope this was not boring....

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