"I see, I will let this slide Rachel, you're a great student and always on time for class but I suggest you go to the library until second period."

" thank you Mr. Figgins. Bye" I said getting up to leave.

I was sitting in the library when emily texted me.

What happened with the principal- Em

Nothing really, he said I'm a good student and he will let this slide -Rach

Really? That's awesome, so where are you then?- Em

The library, he said I could skip this period- Rach

What?!?! You are so lucky, the old bat is in such a crap mood this morning, ughh I hate math!-Em

I'm sorry maybe you could go to the bathroom and instead come here? We only have 10 minutes left of 1st period anyways- Rach

Okay see you in a minute- Em

After she sent the last text I didn't bother to respond, knowing that she will be here in a few. "Ughhh, I seriously hate math!" Em said as she plopped down in the chair across from me.

"Me too, I can't believe she yelled at me and over nothing!"

"Everyone in class was shocked, you weren't the only one who got yelled at. After you left she gave us a quiz, Alex, the girl who sits in front of us rolled her eyes and Mrs. Cross flipped out on her."

" ya well, I hope she gets fired, she has no right to yell at kids for no reason at all" I replied sighing. I can't wait until tonight, I really needed to get out and have some fun.

The rest of the school day passed quickly, before I knew it the last bell rang. Walking to my locker I run into Puck.

"Hey Puck, how were your classes?" I asked him smiling.

"Hey Rach, fine I guess" we began to walk to my locker where Em said she was waiting.

"Yo, Em. What's up" Puck asked her.

"Just waiting to on you guys, I had the worst day ever and ready to leave this hell hole." Em didn't look too happy.

"What happened? You look angry!" I asked her.

"I failed my Spanish quiz and I have a lot of homework to do. I hate school!"

"Don't worry Em, you know I will help you with your homework over the weekend, but for now let's look forward to our night out bowling with the guys" I was so excited to hang out with Finn, Puck and Em all night.

"Okay girls, im going to look for Finn. we will see you at the bowling ally around 6. Bye" Puck then turned around and left.

" let's get out of here and get ready for tonight" I told Em.

5:00 rolled by and we weren't even ready yet. "RACHELLLL, I don't know what to wear!!" I wasn't sure why she was yelling but I walked upstairs to help her anyways.

"Wear jeans and boots for sure, its getting cold out " I told her laughing.

"What the hell is so funny, Rach?"

"I'm laughing because you are running around here like a chicken with its head cut off, relax. Why are you so nervous anyways?"

"I-im n-not nervous Rach"

"Right...I'm going to get ready" I walked into my room and decided to wear skinny jeans, a cute black and white long sleeve top with a belt around my waist and my black knee high heeled boots. I decided to put on a little foundation, lip gloss and put my hair into a messy bun. This wasn't a date so there was no need to dress all fancy.

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