Chapter- 28 How Did This Happen?

Start from the beginning

Their strategy was quite good. They attacked in pairs and groups.

A few rogues in wolf form cornered a wolf keeping him distracted and then the rogue in human form attacked from behind.

I looked around and made eye contact with other wolves. I was trying to make them understand their way of attacking without making it obvious.

It worked as few of them made their priority to kill human rogues. Soon the game was on our side.

After a while, they started to change their tactics again. I knew that something like this was bound to happen so I focused more keenly and tried to find out the brain of this game.

As soon as I figured out the rogue behind this I changed my direction and pounced on him. He was hiding in the shadows behind a tree. I was just able to spot him. As I made my way in his direction more rogues attacked me concreting my belief that my deduction was indeed right.

Keith too joined me and together we made a beeline to the rogue, who was the game planner.

I looked at Keith and tilted my head to the right telling him to attack from the side while I go head-on. He caught onto that and changed his direction.

To others, it looked like he was going somewhere else but only I knew about the truth.

We attacked the rogue at the same time, giving him no chance to escape. I aimed for his leg while Keith went for his shoulder. He dislocated his shoulder bone and cut open his right arm. I made a huge gash from his femur to the tibia on both legs.

Our aim was to capture him alive so that we can interrogate him later.

One thing that bewildered me most was his lack of quick recovery. In fact, his body made no attempt to recover at all and he lost consciousness due to blood loss.

I went near him and sniffed. There were only traces of wolf scent on his body which made others think of him as a wolf. This may be due to as he spent lots of time in their company.

This cleared my confusion that he is no rogue.

He is human.

But why will a human attack us?

The more important question is why werewolves that were too rogue listened to him.

I quickly set to work as too much blood loss will lead to his death.

I looked around and plucked leaves from a nearby bush. I put them on stone and with the back of my knife started beating them.

I applied it to his wounds; quickly tearing the lower half of my shirt I wrapped around it his bleeding arm.

With lightning speed, I made other makeshift bandages and fastened them to his other wounds.

I also relocated his shoulder too.

While I was doing this Keith stood there guarding me from incoming attacks. He never once asked me why I suddenly started patching him up.

After I was done with it I told him that he was human and required my immediate attention as he couldn't heal himself.

We lifted his slumped body and started dragging him away from this massacre. We were mostly in the shadow trying to avoid any upcoming attack.

So far we were successful in it. But as we approached the mouth of the garden two rogues jumped at us.

Keith took immediate action he shifted his weight on my body and went for them. I fastened my pace cautiously and made my way to the mouth of the garden.

There the same girl was standing I had saved earlier. Quickly I settled him in her arms giving her instructions on how to handle and where to take him. It is a good thing that she told me she was currently working as an apprentice under their pack doctor.

Feeling better about this situation I hastily went inside and joined Keith. He was fighting five rogues in total. Although he was doing a great job at it an extra hand is always welcomed in situations like these.

We were fighting side by side but more rogues appeared. We killed most of them and now only two were remaining.

One for each.

I was aiming for his neck when a loud scream broke my concentration. I looked left and saw that a silver knife was plunged into the left side of Keith's chest. The rogue was dead but he did great damage in the end.

Bloody cheat!

I hoped that it spared any vital artery. The rogue I was fighting with took advantage of my distraction and kicked me in my ribs. I winced at the impact but was able to finish him off.

I made my way to Keith and crouched down. Taking hold of the wooden part I took out the knife.

Immediately blood started to gush out of the wound.

Since the wound was made by a silver knife it would not heal immediately.

I tore his shirt and tightly wrapped it around his chest to make the bleeding stop.

Removing silver will be the next treatment followed by closing of the wound and internal healing.

Suddenly a smell hit my nose and I jolted upward.

I sniffed the air and found myself gazing at Keith's stained shirt.

My sudden movement led Keith to shift a little causing him more pain.

I faintly heard his sound of distress. It affected me to see his pain. But my complete focus was on his blood which was making the stain appear darker with each passing second.

I felt hot. It seemed like my body was burning up. I had a sudden urge to taste his blood.

Bite him!

Like a blue moon, this thought appeared in my mind.

My senses were awakened and heightened.

It felt like a sugar rush.

My canines emerged.

Own their own.

Ready to sink into his flesh.

And I... I dived.

I bit him!

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