Once we left the room I tried to think up a way to start a conversation. "How long have you been here?" 

"My whole life." She sighed. 

"Really? How if you're a vampire and you look to be in your teens?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"My parents were vampires but they both died when I was born because of the war that went on and werewolves killed them but kept me alive... for some unknown reason. I plan to become one, though." 

My eyes widen and I placed my body in front of her firmly. "Don't you dare." 

"Why? The vampire life is a luxury." She raised her eyebrow at me. 

"At the extent of killing yourself? No way. End of discussion." I almost felt motherly to her, telling her what she could and couldn't do, but I didn't want her dead... Even if death in our case meant everlasting life, unless we're careless.

"You guys have it made for you! With the whole bound thing and the everlasting life at what age you choose so you can see all of the world and how it changes from generation to generation. Us humans.. We dont have a way to know weather a person is our true love or not because our eyes don't flash a dark red at spontaneous moments. We spend our lives trapped in schools or work trying to make money just so we can eat. We don't have time to travel the world. You guys do."

"Only if we're careful to keep ourselves hidden. I have to attend the last year of human school so it looks normal and I can get a job or something... But contact with Remington has to be kept to a minimum which is hard, considering we are bound and always want be touching in one way or another." I thought for a moment. "Do you know what this year is? Why Remington and my brothers are here?"

"You don't know?" She raised her eyebrow.

"No. They've been keeping it a secret from me. The only reason I'm here is cause I'm sick and Remington refused to leave me alone or with a friend. What could they possibly be doing that takes 3 days?"

"I dont know if I should tell you..." Her voice trailed off and she looked to the side, covering her porcelain face with her hair again.

I gently moved her chin upwards towards me and moved her hair. "Luna, please. They won't let me go anywhere alone. You're my ticket to finding out. Something just doesn't feel right with this."

She sighed and chewed her lip. "All the boys have to. Well, all the most handsome. All the boys from the age 15-29 have to attend."

"Keep going." The more she spoke, the more unsettling my stomach felt.

"The King and Queens daughters have to attend as well. The boys choose their princess and-" she stopped and choked up.

"Luna, please." My eyes rimmed with tears.

"They do the same thing with the Princes too... They choose the best girls here at the academy and are forced, well to most it isn't forced, to do what they technically call breeding."

My stomach clenched at the thought of Remington with another girl and getting her pregnant. Apparently my face turned bright red with anger because Luna stepped back from me.

"Most the time it doesn't work and only about 2 of the princesses get pregnant." She tried to lighten the mood but I wouldn't listen.

"Luna. Take me to him. Now." I gritted my teeth from the jealously build up inside me. As far I knew, I was carrying his child at this very moment but he goes off and gets another pregnant? Oh it made me sick!

"Lizzie, they're forced to do this."

"He didn't seem to hesitate to coming." My voice dropped to a growl.

Die For Something (Remington Leith/ Palaye Royale/ Denis Stoff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang