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Adam P. O. V

"Run!" I yelled to them as Damon ran towards us. We fought him off the first night but it did no damage cause he was still strong...how many people did Nathan send herr for him to become so strong.

I ran after the kids and away from Damon. I had abilities but not enough to kill him....again.

I seen them go into a little cave a cave that if you were running in panic wouldve never noticed. I followed them and sat next to Malik.

"When he runs by you guys get out and run ill try to slow him down again."

They nodded.


Sky P. O. V

"Dont think about it okay. The thing is your alive." Luke said.

"Im not suppose to be." I mumbled.

Luke huffed and and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"Can you stop!" I hissed. "Put me down you Red headed Assface!"

I hit his back but all he did was laugh making me laugh with him.

"Im sorry Sky but Fabian wants us to get out and do something, while he waits for nathan so you cant be here while he is here."

I huffed and gave up. I just let my arms dangle as he contiued to carry me to the outside. When we made it outside i seen everyone. They all smiled at me except for Jason. Cause he is dick that obviously cant handle his bitchy emotions.

Luke placed me on my feet and i walked over to Sam and Rose. I picked sam up and we walked everyone followed us and they were.in their own conversation. I was just listening to everything. Sam listened to them with me.

"I wonder what Fabian is going to do." Shawn mumbled to Stephanie and Justin.

"He isa shield he will be perfectly fine." Justin stated.

I sighed and continued to listen.

"I did nothing wrong Rose you cant be mad at me for stating facts about this bullshit." Jason hissed.

"But you basically stated you wish she was dead. All because she has a friend? Luke isnt a bad guy if she is still friends with him." Rose added.

"I guess, i didnt mean to make it sound that way."

"I would say talk to her but her feelings for you might gone."

"Or never there."

I rolled my eyes and we made it to a park. I put sam down and looked at Luke. He smirked and i ran to the swings and won. He huffed and got on the swing lower to the ground. Sam came running to me and i placed him on my lap and Rose came and pushed us on the swing.

"So tell me was it fun being stuck?" She giggled.

I smirked. "It was interesting, especially after we met Diablo."

"You went to hell?!" Sam asked with the wide eyes.

Me luke and Rose started to laugh. "No sam we werent in hell we were just in a place like hell."

"So why is his name Diablo?"

"His name is Chance."

"So why is his nickname Diablo?"

"He gets rid of all the dead souls by burning them."

Thats when they said ohh and we went back to playing. Everyone came and crowded us. Laughing or making Jokes. Everyone was over here except Jason.

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