how it started Pt 3

71 7 5

Belle Monroe- Italy
Ability Shapshifter/ Magician.


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"sto babysitter stasera." I walked into her room. "è che la mamma va bene?" (im babysitting tonight. Is that okay mom?)

"naturalmente solo non scopare fino a casa mia." She smiled kissing my head. (Of course just dont fuck up my house)

I nodded and walked out of her room. I grabbed my coat and walked down the street to get the kid i was babysitting.

"Ciao? La signora Camp? Im belle e sto chiamando per Jake. volevi fare da babysitter ancora? Sono disponibile stasera." I knocked on her door. (hello? Mrs. Camp? Im belle and i'm calling for Jake. you wanted me to babysit still? i'm available tonight)

"Oh grande ho pensato si è dimenticato di lui. lui è molto eccitato." She opened with a little boy by she side smiling a beautiful smile (Oh great i thought you forgot about him. he is really excited).

"SIETE PRONTI Jake?" I kneeled down to his height. I used my ability and made a toy car apear at my fingers. (You ready jake?)

He smiled and took the car from my hand and hugged me. I picked him up and smiled at Mrs. Camp. "fai a sapere a che ora sarete a casa?" (do you know what time you'll be home?)

I looked at jake he looked like he didn't understand a word i was saying. I furrowed my eyes at him.

"Sarò a casa in due giorni farò in modo di pagare un extra." She looked at Jake. "Egli non è di qui. ho appena ricevuto dai suoi nonni. in realtà, i genitori di suo padre in America ..... così lui non sa nulla di Italia, ma si può aiutarlo a ottenere l'uso ad essa. odia i gatti. cibo preferito è la pizza, anche lui è un piccolo malato 7 yearold così tenerlo al caldo." (He is not from here. i just got him from his grandparents. actually, his dad's parents in he doesn't know a thing about italy but you can help him get use to it. he hates Cats. favorite food is pizza, also he is a small sick 7 yearold so keep him in the warm.)

"Hi jake." I smiled at him. "Im Belle, ill be watching you for a while."

He smiled. "Your voice is beautiful belle."

I smiled and took his bags from his mom. "Mi prenderò cura di lui." (i will take good care of him.)

She smiled and nodded. I walked away with jake singing a song. I dont know which song but it was nice. I looked at him i bet coming to school here was hard for him. I bet it was really difficult. I was born here lived here til i was almost killed by the hunters so i moved to America. But i was Dated and we moved back here. We are going to houston soon but til then i stuck to my babysitting job.

"How old are you Belle?" He asked.

"I am 17 Jake." I Said as we walked into my house. My mom was gone my Guardian was gone for a meeting in Miami she said if im needed she will text me and i can Just poof there.

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