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2 weeks later.

I took my fighting stance as i stood across from a 13 year old girl.

"Rose attacks and Stephanie block." Adam said.

He told me 'Steph you have shield' or something i just never learned to unlock it.

She attacked and tripped me i fell face first. Adam came and helped me up. "You have to try. Foucs on shielding yourself."

"I need a break if i struggle to think more Adam im going to have a nose bleed."

He nodded and walked away. I sat on the bench watching Garrett practice with Skylar. They are cute but i honestly dont know why she wont just get along with Jason. When you get to know him he is a sweet heart.

My phone ranged.

Me: Hello

??: is this Stephanie?

Me: Yes??

Justin: its Justin.

Me: Hey Justin.

Justin: listen some guy told me you guys could use a professional healer so ill be in Atlanta in like 4 hours.

Me: perfect see you then.

I hung up and seen Garrett grabbing all on Skylar she smile and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Sky!" I yelled her name. She turned towards me and walked to me after getting out of his grip.

"Yes Steph?" She sat next to me.

"So you and Garrett?"

"Yea he asked me out like 3 days ago."

I chocked on air. "Where the hell was i?"

"Practicing so much your forgetting things Steph. You okay?"

I nodded. Im forgetting things?

"Im gonna go finish up. Ill talk to you later. "

I nodded again and moved from the bench and looked around and down at the table. I moved the cup infront of me around it with my Telekinesis. Then Sam sat infront of me. It was weird calling him sam. Ever since we left Houston it was weird. Belle and Liam got along very well, Shawn is like a professional with fire, Rose got her power down and Jason he is amazing at his elemental power, Sky she learned how to teleport while running like she would run and pop in one place insted of running. And her invisibility is amzing. She knows how to turn something invisible and keeping it that way.

"So why so down?" He asked.

"I cant master my element." I mumbled.

"You can. Look " I looked at where he was pointing and seen i made the cup float without even trying.

"That proves nothing." I sighed.

"Okay. How about you grab this," He handed me the cup. "And Throw it through the wall."

"I cant do that."

He frowned "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Put a hand through the wall."

I did as told. "Now remove your hand take the cup and throw it through that wall."
I removed my hand threw the cup but it broke shattered to pieces.

"Just keep trying. Youll get it."

I shrugged and moved upstairs to my room.


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