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Skylar P. O. V

2 days later.

We didnt find not one thing about this element....well mostly because we didnt look alot...well i didnt he did so now we are back in houston waiting for shawn and Stephanie to come get us so we can help them. I stole a lot of things from Rio while Jason looked for the girl. Ive been avoiding him just keeping to myself. Im going avoid everyone so when this is over i can leave them and they can leave me...

Jason walked back over to me and huffed. "They are coming back right now. Belle and Liam i have no idea what they are doing."

I nodded and started to walk away. But he grabbed my arm.

"Look what i said back i---"

"Can you fucking drop it lightning bolt im fine." I hissed and snatched my arm out of his grip.

He zapped me making me turn around towards him. I rolled my eyes and continued my walk. I made it to the corner store and i grabbed a drink, a bag of chips and checked my pocket for change. I pulled out 3 dollars and put it on the counter for the guy to take.

"No ma'am its $5.32." he said in a thick Indian accent.

I looked at the machine it said $2.10 i gave him 3 dollars. All i had was 3 dollars. "No sir. It says 2 dollars."

"This is broken."

"Ill break your fucking nose. If i cant get my shit."


"Its fine ill pay for her." A voice said. I turned around and seen the most cutest boy ive ever seen.
He gave the man 6 dollars. I glared at him and took my stuff. Walking out the store the boy followed me.

"Hey. " I heard him yell. "You didnt say thank you." He said walking infront of me so i could stop.

I gave a sweet fake smile and walked around him. He walked next to me.

"Im Garrett."


He smiled at me. "You new to Houston Skylar?"

I nodded opening my drink taking a sip. "Im just visiting a friend."

"May i ask who that friend is i might know him...or her." He chuckled.

"Garrett how old are you?"


"Im only 17 still a junior so please leave me alone."

He nodded. But then walked infront of me to stop me.

I couldnt help but giggle. "You must be very determined. Cant take no for an answer?"

"No i cant."

"Okay how about this. Never, Zip, Zero, Big N O. Leave me the fuck alone."

"Cute. How about i take you to see The Weeknd they perform tonight."

"No thanks im kinda a taylor swift girl."

The lies i tell to get away from people. I mean dont get me wrong taylor swift is beautiful she can sing but her music isnt my style.

"Well think about it yea?"


I walked pass him again and i seen a girl in a hoodie. She was looking at dead roses. She touched one and it instantly came to life. She looked behind her and seen me so she ran. I ran after her with Garrett calling my name. I ignored him of course.

I followed the girl in the alley way. "Hey stop we need your help." I said so she stopped. I huffed out. "Thats a lot easier than i thought."
She turned around and her eyes were glowing green. Which im not going to lie scared the shit out of me. I super sped around her and turned invisible. Sheet hit me with a tree branch. So she ran over here to use her powers on sweet.

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