Adams Elements.

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"Daisy stop doing that." I smiled and Kissed her cheek.

"Stop what im just smiling." She giggled.

"I know and your making blush and blushing for dudes are not okay."

She nodded and began to braid her hair. I took out my phone and called Logan.

"Aye Adam my man!, whats up?" He shouted in the phone.

"Whats the plan tonight?" I asked.

"Um There is a comet tonight all we have to do is go deep into the wood on the latemoon rock."

"Okay me and Daisy will be over in an hour."

"Please you lve birds take as much time as you want." He hung up and i laughed at his stupidity.

I got out of bed and wrapped my arms around her. I placed my chin on her shoulder and watched as she continued to braid. "Wanna go to latemoon rock tonight?" I asked.

"Of course !" She smiled.

I laughed and pecked her lips. "Get ready we leave in an hour."

She noddes and i walked downstairs. I seen Marcus sitting on the couch drinking.

"When will you stop." I sighed snatching it out his hand.

"When you leave my life." He chuckled and kicked his feet up on the table.

"Can you not put your feet on moms table?"

"Your just Naggy tonight aren't cha?"

I scoffed. "Im going to Latemoon. Your welcome to come if you dont get too drunk."

"Man fuck you!"

"O i didnt know you were gay Marcus."

He threw a book at me i laughed and walked back upstairs i seen Daisy putting on the necklace i brought her and. Grabbed her hand. "Lets go i dont wanna wait anymore."

"Why not? Marcus?"


She nodded and led me downstairs. We walked right pass him and outside to the forest across the street from our house.

"Dont let me die Adam." She giggled as we jumped on the rocks in the river.

"I got you dont worry. Back for back remember? "

"Back for back."

When we made it to the other side we walked to the rock. We dont know why its called latemoon i heard its where they seen the moon last. The moon was always late over that rock.

"Daisy and Adam sitting in the tree." We hear logan sing while laughing. I gripped her hand tighter as we approched him.

"Hey Dude." Malcolm said.

I gave him a nod. "Were is Nathan and Brandon and Craig?"

"Right here dumbass." I heard Craigs voice i turned around and seen them coming out the river stream. I laughed and we did our secret handshake.

"Hey its coming!"Brandon said and we piled up on the rock and watched as it passed through the sky. I smirked and it was beautiful. I looked as i seen it was no comment. I tapped Daisy shoulder which caught everyone's attention.

"That is not a comet. " It got closer and i got scared. I picked up Daisy. "Run now! " I said we ran to the other side of the woods and watched as it hit the ground. I seen two people rise from it and start to attack eachother with something from the super natural

"Adam what the fuck is that?!" Nathan asked sitting next to me.

Nathan is like my older brother. He did everything with me. He actually helped me win over Daisy's heart. We continued to watch the two fight til the white one stabbed the red one and it died. Hopefully.

"Come out young ones." It said.

I shook my head no but we were pulled to him, i held onto Daisys hand.

"I am Dredous. God of elements. Adam, Daisy, Logan, Nathan, Malcolm, Craig, and Brandon. Have been chosen." He said.

"How do you know our names?" I asked. "Where did you come from?"

"I am from Villary." He turned into a human. "I am here to give you a gift." He smiled.

"We dont want your gifts."

He shrugged and touched my head. And i passed out. Its like i was there but then i wasnt.

I blinked to adjust my eyes. I looked around im still outside and its morning. All of us where still outside.

I got up and ran to Daisy. "Wake up!" I said. No response. "Daisy baby wake up please."

She coughed and opened her eyes. She looked at me and water immediately welped up in her eyes. She hugged me and cried.

"I dont know what he did Adam. Im scared i thought i lost you."

"Its fine we are okay."

I looked over to the others to see if they were up and they werent.

I tan over to Brandon and shook him. "B get up." I said. He got up and rubbed his head.

"What happened?"

"The big guy just touched our head and boom, Sleep." Daisy said.

"Get the others up." I said to them. I walked to the water and threw some on my face.

"Their up." Brandon said." And you would believe what the hell happened to Malcolm."

We ran back to them and i seen Malcolm arms covered in lightning and stuff. He touched the ground and it shocked Craig. On his forearm his tattoo that use to say Faithful now says lightning. "This is cool."

I touched Daisys shoulder and she smiled. I kissed her head. "We are okay. We are fine."

She nodded and smiled.

"Wait you you guys were friends before?" Rose asked. "And you dated Daisy?" I nodded.

"But Dredous knew one would turn on us. And she brokeup with me for a reason of her own."

"Finish the story." Stephanie pushed.

"No. " I smirked. "Tomorrow i promise."

They nodded and walked upstairs all except Jason.

"What seems to be the issue Jason?"

"They hate me."

"No. Elements dont hate they are pissed. You guys were manipulated its not your fault."

"Sky is gone." tear came down his eye.

"Let me tell you something. I promised Daisy. Back for back and she is dead. But i dont want you to be like me and break the promisd. When we get her back and we will you stick to your promise kid. "

He nodded and left. I layed there and drifted to sleep.

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