Hope's First Date

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A/N: I've decided to make Haley and Klaus married in this, just because.

 Hayley wasn't sure how exactly Klaus would react to the fact that their daughter was going on her first date, but she knew it couldn't be anything good. 
 When Hope was on her way out, she called, "I'll be back by nine, Mom!" When she around to leave, Klaus was there, blocking the way to the front door.
 "And just where might you be going?" he asked.
 "Out. On a date."
 "A date," Klaus repeated. "With who?"
 "A boy from school who asked me out." 
 "Really? Which boy, might I ask?"
 "I'm not telling you."
 "Why not?"
 "Because I don't want you to kill him in his sleep."
 "What, me? Of course not."
 "Klaus," Hayley came into the room, arms crossed, "Are you interrogating our daughter?"
 "Interrogating? Of course not."
 "Um, can I go now?" Hope asked.
 "Sure, sweetie," Hayley said. "Have fun."
 As soon as Hope was gone, Hayley said to Klaus, "You were interrogating her."
 "Yes, of course I was. Did you hear any of that? She trusts me so little she wouldn't tell who she's going out with."
 "Well, maybe you should stop being a control freak all the time."
 "I am not a control freak."
 "Whatever," Hayley sighed. "I think I'm going to take a bath. I need to do something relaxing."
 "I could join you if you like."
 "I'd rather you didn't," Hayley said as she climbed the stairs. 
 Klaus waited until he could hear the bathtub running. Then he shouted, "ELIJAH! WE HAVE A CLASS-A CODE RED CRISIS ON OUR HANDS!"
 "Really, Niklaus," Elijah leaned over the railing, "Must you shout so loudly? I do live in the same house as you, you know. Now, what's the crisis?"
 "Hope just left to go out on a date."
 Elijah sighed. "Really, Niklaus? She's fifteen. Surely you know this is normal behavior for someone her age."
 "Normal?" Klaus repeated. "She wouldn't tell me where she was going or who she was going with!"
 "And I wonder why," Elijah said sarcastically. "Did she give a reason for not telling you?"
 "She said she didn't want me to murder him in his sleep. That's ridiculous."
 "Niklaus, that's exactly the sort the thing you would do."
 "Well, that doesn't really matter right no, does it? The point is, Elijah, that my princess is out on a date doing who knows what with who knows who!"
 "Elijah, what's his problem now?" Rebekah walked out of one of the upstairs rooms and looked down at Klaus.
 "Nothing besides being his usual paranoid self," Elijah replied.
 "No one is going to help?" Klaus said. "I'm in distress!"
 "Oh, Nik, calm down," Rebekah said, looking annoyed. "I've been listening to you, and I will tell you that Hope going on one date is not the end of the world."
 "That's because she's not your daughter," Klaus muttered.

 When Hope returned home, Klaus immediately appeared and said, "How was your date? Did you have fun? Was he good to you? I don't have to anyone, do I? Though if I do-"
 "Dad, please! It was fine. We went to the movie theater a couple of blocks away."
 "I see. And you came straight home after?"
 "Yes, I did. Can I go upstairs now?"
 Hope's father stared at her for an extra-long moment. "Fine. Go see your mother. I'm sure she'd like to hear about it."
 Once Hope had left the room, Klaus called, "Elijah!"
 Elijah came down the stairs. "What is it now?"
 "Do you suppose there's any chance that movie theater has any security cameras I can hack into?"
 Elijah stared at him. "Are you serious?"
 "Yes, of course I'm serious."
 "That's illegal. I'm not helping you. Goodnight, Niklaus."
 "But it only 9!"
 "The sooner I go to sleep, the sooner I'll be away from you." 

 Klaus couldn't sleep that night.
 "Hayley," he whispered. "Hayley, are you awake?"
 "What is it?" she mumbled.
 "Do you really think Hope's old enough? You know, to start dating?"
 "She's fifteen, Klaus. You're gonna have to learn to live with it."
 "But, still-"
 "Would you just go to bed? Or I'll make you go sleep on the couch."
 "Fine." Klaus got up. "I'll go find Elijah. He listens to me."
 "Elijah thinks you're a paranoid freak."
 "Apparently, everyone does." 
 Klaus went down the hall and quietly entered Elijah's room. "Elijah? Elijah, are you awake?" 
 Elijah opened his eyes. He looked up at Klaus and groaned.
 "What is it?" he asked.
 "Do you think Hope's really old enough to be dating?"
 "Oh, for heaven's sake, Niklaus, leave the girl be. Don't you have anyone else to talk to about this?"
 "Hayley threatened to kick me out of the room, and Rebekah and Kol won't care."
 "What about Freya?" 
 Klaus thought about it. "I didn't think of Freya. I should ask her. Wait here." 
 He returned less than a minute later.
 "Well?" Elijah asked.
 "She told me she'd turn me into a toad if I didn't go away. So that leaves us." Klaus sat down on the bed. "So, I suppose it is a good thing that she's getting out there and having a life and friends. But is she really old enough to have a boyfriend? I know everyone married young in our time, but in this modern age-"
 Elijah could see why Hayley threatened to kick Klaus out of their room. If he was married to Klaus, he would make go sleep on the couch, too.


 As soon as I had the idea for this, I couldn't not write it. Now I'm actually thinking about doing one when Hope brings her new boyfriend to the compound for dinner so they can meet him, and Klaus is still the only one who can't deal with the idea of Hope dating.

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