The Captain and the Nobleman (Klelijah, Pirate AU)

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A/N: Klaus and Elijah are not related in this story.

 "Did you get everything from the ship?" The captain asked.

 "Aye, sir. We do have one survivor, though."

 Two of the crewmates pulled over a man who was clearly of noble status judging by his cleanliness and clothes. 

 "Take him to my cabin," the captain ordered. "I will decide what to do with him." 


 When the captain entered his cabin, the nobleman was sitting at his desk looking at his maps. He looked up at the pirate when he entered the cabin.

 "What are you going to do with me?" he asked.
 "That remains to be seen." The captain closed and locked the door of the cabin.  "Tell me, what's your name?"
 "Elijah what?"
 "Isn't Elijah enough? You have not told me who you are."
 "No, I suppose I have not. You may call me Klaus. Now, tell me, Elijah," Klaus walked around the desk and stood behind the chair, "What were you doing sailing these waters? You are clearly a nobleman; that is undeniable. Some noble deed that had to be done, I suppose?."
 "It was business for my father. He has...very high hopes for me."

 "Ah." Klaus placed his hands on Elijah's shoulders. "I see what is happening. You don't want to do whatever it is your father expects of you. You want to break free."
 "No. That's not it."
 But Klaus could already tell the truth.
 "You can break free, you know. I did. I turned down everyone's expectations and became what I am now."

 "Which is a thief and a murderer," Elijah retorted. "It may not matter now, anyway. My father will just think I was lost at sea."
 "It may be for the best, you know. I am very good at reading people, Elijah." He leaned down and whispered in his ear, "And I can see exactly what you're feeling."
 "Please just take me home," Elijah said, now visibly nervous. "If you're merciful at all, just take me home." 
 Klaus stood straight again. "Very well. We'll set course for wherever you came from. You can tell your father the ship was attacked by pirates, but their handsome captain was merciful enough to take you home."

 Elijah nodded. "Thank you. If you will let me use your maps, I can show you where to go."

 Klaus studied the map that night as Elijah slept. He had let Elijah sleep in his bed for the night. He was quite a handsome man, this nobleman Elijah. Klaus felt a pull towards that he had never felt with anyone else before in his life. 
 He walked over to the bed and whispered, "I'll convince you to change your mind, Elijah. By the time we arrive, you will want to stay with me. And I will welcome you with open arms."

 Within the next few weeks, Klaus did everything he could to make Elijah feel at home and comfortable. Elijah learned all about the life of a pirate, and, bit by bit, he began to open up to Klaus about his own life. His father was wealthy merchant, as Klaus had already guessed, and now his parents wanted him to marry the daughter of another merchant they knew.
 "And you do not want to, do you?" Klaus asked.
 Elijah sighed. "No. She is a lovely girl, but I have no interest in marriage. I have...never had much interest in women at all."
 "Perhaps you have the wrong person, then. Here on the ocean, I haven't worried about such things. Yes, we steal and occasionally kill, but we are not as horrible as people say we are. Well, I am not." 
 Klaus knew that Elijah's mind was turning. Elijah just hadn't realized it yet.

 "Good morning," Klaus said as Elijah awoke. "We are nearly there. You will be home."
 Elijah sighed sadly. "Yes, home." 

 Sensing his distress, Klaus said, "I thought you wanted to go home."

 "I did. But now I do not want to, and I don't know why."
 "Well, if you would prefer not to go home, you could always stay with me," Klaus suggested. "I like your company. You are very interesting. And I know you fancy me."
 Klaus walked to the bed and began to kiss Elijah full on the lips. After a short hesitation, Elijah kissed him back, for it felt like the kind of kiss he had been yearning for; one of real passion and feelings.


 When they reached port, Elijah penned a letter to his parents, explaining why he could not do what they asked of him and urged they let his younger brothers take on more responsibilities, as he was not the right one to do them.
 "Is it selfish, what I am doing?" Elijah asked Klaus. "It does not feel wrong, but I wonder if it is."

 "What nonsense, Elijah," Klaus scolded. "Doing what your heart and mind tell you to do is always what you should do. Forget those hags and let us have the grand adventures that are out in the world, just waiting for us."

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