The Proposal (Kolvina)

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 Davina Claire waited anxiously for Kol to return. She had an idea of what was going on back in New Orleans, and knew that the Hollow's reign of terror was still going on. What exactly the others wanted Kol to do, she didn't know, but she knew he would do what he could to help keep Hope safe.

 It was evening when Davina heard the apartment door open.

 "Davina? You here?" 

 "Kol!" Davina ran to the door and threw her arms around her boyfriend, hugging him tight. "I missed you. I was worried you."

 "I missed you too, darling," Kol said, kissing her. "But there's no need to worry now. I've returned, and I'm not going anywhere. And I brought gifts."

 "Oh, Kol, you didn't have to-"

 "No, no, no protesting," Kol cut in. "I wanted to do this. First," he handed her a small box, "I want you to open this one."

 Davina took the box and gave little gasp when she opened it. "Kol, it's beautiful!"

 "Not quite as beautiful as you, though," Kol said. "Can I?" He took the necklace out of the box and fastened it around her neck. "Perfect, just as I thought. Now," he pulled out a second box, "This one."

 "Oh, Kol." The earrings inside looked as if they went right along with the necklace.

 "Something to match. Try them on. I know they'll look splendid."

 "This is so sweet of you," Davina said, putting the earrings on. "They're beautiful."

 "Well, I'm not done yet," Kol said. "There more thing." He held a third box in his hand, and lifted the lid to reveal what was probably the biggest diamond ring Davina had ever seen.

 "Davina Claire," he said, getting down on one knee and holding out the ring box, "Will you marry me?" 

 Davina froze, eyes wide, staring down at him. "Marry you?"

 He nodded. "Yes. I want you to be my wife, Davina, and I want to be your husband. Will you?"

 Davina slowly turned away. "I don't know."

 Kol waited for a further explanation, but wasn't getting one, so he asked, "What's wrong, Davina? Tell me, and I'll fix it however I can."

 "Kol, this can't last forever," she said. "You're immortal, and I'm not. I don't want to be a vampire, and there's no way for you to become human."

 Kol sighed. "Is that all it is? Davina, you know we'll find a way to make it work somehow. We've survived death before, haven't we? The question you should be asking is if you want to get married."

 "I do." Davina nodded. "I do." 

 He smiled. "Then hold out your hand." He slipped the ring onto her finger. "Perfect fit, just as I thought. Take this ring now, Davina, and we'll figure out all the complicated stuff later. Whatever complications there are, we can survive them. I love you."

 "I love you, too." She gave him a kiss, and then lay her head against his chest, holding him tight.

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