chapter twenty: help

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                         *shawn's P.O.V*

I didn't want to go back but I knew I had to. I fon't care if I get caught anymore I need to get penelope back first.

I knocked on the door softly, charlie instantly opened it.
"I knew you'd have something to do with penelope missing." Charlie said softly.
"She's kidnapped." I said plainly.

"I need your help charlie..........i need to find het but first please Let me tell you everything" i said softly.

Charlie sighed letting me inside.

"So it's matthew who's been doing all of this?" Charlie said softly.

"Yeah.....and he's been trying to break penelope and me up."

"So you guys are together?"
"Let me see the pictures of penelope again."
I gave charlie my phone.

"I know where this is." Charlie looked at me.
"Are you serious?"I asked softly with a small smile.

"It's an old friends and I used to go there because we thought all the stuff there was so cool."

"We're gonna get her back." I smiled.

"Uh shawn?" Charlie handed me the phone when it lit up matthew.

"I know you know where I am." Matthew said instantly.

"I'm gonna find her matthew......that was te plan the entire time."

"Not it wasn't.........come alone shawn."
"And why should I do that?"

"Because if you don't i'll kill her......and i'll know if there's people beside you."


"Be there......tomorrow. 3:00 sharp." The line went dead.

"I can't bring anyone......just me alone."

"Get her back okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

Shawn mendes is my bullyWhere stories live. Discover now