chapter nine: starting over

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                   *Penelope's P.O.V*

I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar bedroom. A soft knock hit to door before it opened.

"Hey penelope." Shawn smiled at me holding a glass of something.

"Hi." I said softly running my hand through my hair.

"How are you feeling?" Shawn questioned softly handing me the glass of hot chocolate, my favorite.

I took a sip. "I don't me its......pretty undescribeable I guess." I said softly.

"But you're doing okay right?"


"Then get dress and let's go."
"Go where?" I questioned softly.

"Somewhere get your mind off of things." I sighed softly getting out of bed and slipping on my converses.
I walked down the steps seeing shawn waiting for me with a wide smile.

"Hi penelope." He softly bit his lip.

"Hey shawnm" I gave him a weak smile before wlaking to the car with him.
"Where are we going?" I questioned again, afraid this would lead somewhere terrible

"Don't you understand what a surprise is?" Shawn softly chuckled.

"I do but-"

"It's a surprise penelope i'm not gonna tell you anything." Shawn smiled at me before staring back at the road

We didn't really talk. We just let the music play and let the wind flow.
Shawn stopped at a deserted graveled area. My heart beat Sped up

"C'mon." Shawn said softly walking to the trunk of his car and grabbing something but he wouldn't let me see.

"Close your eyes." He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

I did as he said slowly wlaking up the hill with shawn softly holding my waist directing me.
Once we reached the top of the hill I could hear shawn's smile as he said "open your eyes penelope." Slowly I opened my eyes looking about the beautiful green grassy field filled with white daisies, my favorite.

I know I know i'm basic but I can't help to love white daisies.

"Oh my's beautiful." I whispered looking around the field when I noticed a picnic right in the middle of it.

"Come with me." Shawn smiled putting his hand out fo rme to grab which i did instantly.

We walked to the plaid blanc with a cute picnic ontop of it set up. Shawn carried a basket putting out the food

I ate a little bit, some small triangle cut sandwiches and drank some of the soda shanw gave me as we just talked. I ended up taking some of the flowers and making flowers crowds for shanw and I and I have to say he did look adorible.

We layed on the blanet, staring at the sky just talking. Flower crowns on our heads and smiles on our faces. I've never felt so happy in my entire life.

"Hey penelope?" Shawn said softly still staring and the blue sky.

"Yes shawn?" I whispered, my hands at my sides and I could feel shawn intertwining our fingers together. I looked down at our hands and then shawn.

"I really want us to start know..put everything I did behind us and start something new......if you want to."
"I do." I smiled at shawn.

With his left hand he extended it to me for a hand shake. "Hi i'm shawn." With my right I shook his hand.

"Hi i'm penelope." A smile grew on my face and soft giggles escaped both of our lips.

"Can't you tell?" Shawn questioned softly

"Tell what?" I asked.

"That this is the start of something beautiful."
"I could tell a mile away." Shawn chuckled oftly before hugging me tightly

"Today was perfect shawn." I said as we walked up my front porch.

"I'd excited to have thousands of more days like this with you." Shawn softly bit his lip with a smile.

I hugging him tightly feeling him hug me back.

"Well i'll see you tomorrow penelope."

"I'll see you tomorrow shawn." I smiled waving goodbye before walking inside my house.

I leaned against the door sighing softly as if I was in a cheesy movie.

"Hmmmmmmm." I smiled to thyself simultaneously hugging myself.

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