chapter sixteen: leaving

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                       *penelope's P.O.V*

I didn't think shawn was serious until he pulled me into his house shoving his things into his suitcase.

"You're not serious?" I questioned softly.

"What am I supposed to penelope? Everyone's gonna want to find me. Bring me to jail......i'll go to jail for drugs....parents are gonna hate me.....everything's gonna be over's either you're with me or not." I sighed softly.

"Then let's do this."

"Meet me here in an hour....wear dark clothes....a hoodie....okay?"


I grabbed everything I thought i'd need. My phone, chargers, a book or two, lots and lots of clothes....ect

I pulled my black hoodie over my head walking over to shawn again.

"Ready?" I nodded in response hopping into his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly as we drove down the road. The sun was going to set in a couple of hours.
"Wherever the road takes us." Shawn spun his snapback around his dark hair I laughed softly.


"I know." He smiled brightly.

As we drove listening to music I stared at the road behind us i started seeing this one care seemed to he following us. Whatever lane we turned to they did the same, whatever exit they took they were behind us.

"Hey shawn?"

"Yes penelope?" Shawn lowered the music.
"Do you know that car?" I asked softly pointing to my side eindow.


"It's following us." Shawn turned the lane purposely watching ss the car turned too.

"Oh my god." I whispered

"What?" Shawn asked softly.

"It's matthew."
"You're not serious."

"Why would I lie about this?"
"Shit." Shawn mumbled under his breath speeding the car up as quickly as he could without hitting the next car.

Shawn passed multiple cars before realizing we has lost matthew and slowed down.

"C'mon." Shawn said softly parking the car at a cute road side motel. It didn't look disgusting or beat up, it looked brand new.

Shawn grabbed all the bags. "Let me get one to help out." I said softly.
"No......i've done things to you for years........this is just some bags.

"Hi." I said to the women at the front desk with a smile. Shawn looked down at the floor with his cap and hood over his head.

"You kids having a little vacation?" The women smiled at us.

" long do you think you're going to stay?"

"Um.......maybe five nights."

"Okay........i'm gonna give you kids a discount.....only ten dollars a night."

"Thank you so much." I smiled at her before she handed me the keys to the room.

I opened the door to the room with a wide smile.
"Wow shawn you really know how to pick a motel." I smiled it looked like hotel quality.

"Yeah." Shawn dropped my suitcases on the bed with his on the floor before walking over to the window staring outside.

"Do you think matthew will know we're here?"
"No......if he does I promise i'll protect you." Shawn smiled hugging me tightly.

Shawn mendes is my bullyWhere stories live. Discover now