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I stood on the balcony watching the sunset, captivating all of the grassy area that surrounded the building. The golden sun, hitting my skin felt so warm as if the sun was hugging all of the bad events that happened in my life out of me.
Turning to see everyone inside, enjoying each other's company, I smiled big as I saw the love of my life walking to my direction. "I've been looking all over for you, I was afraid you ran away already.", Han said to me.
"I just needed to be alone for a moment.", I replied, pausing before continuing, "My parents got married here. My real parents."
Han let out a chuckle asking, "How do you think they would feel about you marrying a scoundrel?"
"Considering she was the queen of Naboo, I don't think she would be quite favorable of my choice.", I said with a slight smile saying, "But I can't help it. You were right, I like scoundrels."
      He smiled back then put his arm around my shoulder to pull me into a slight embrace as I rested my head against his chest. As I looked at the view I began to reminisce from a couple years back to Han and I.

"So have decided if you are leaving or staying? I've given you enough time to decided, the rebellion needs an answer now.", I said with my arms crossed and a stern look.
"They need an answer or YOU need an answer?", he asked with a smirk on his face.
I responded with the same stance and look on my face, "I wouldn't be asking if I didn't need one, would I? Considering I am a rebel leader, yes I do need an answer and more importantly the general needs an answer."
He shook his head, "No, come on, your highness. We both know that's not what I meant."
"Clearly, I'm confused by you and your delusions.", in response. He then stood up letting out a slight laugh, walking towards me, "You just don't want to admit it, I get it."
"I don't know what you are talking about. Admit what?", I asked, practically angry at this point.
He stood there with a smirk on his face saying, "I can't wait until one day you finally come to your senses and allow yourself to be head over heels for me."
"Delusional. Don't expect that anytime soon, or in your lifetime for that matter.", I said, about to leave the room, "Since this is some joke you, I'll let the General know that you'll be on your way.", as I began to walk through the door he then said, "I'll stay, I'll stay. I want to be around for you to admit the way you feel about me.".
"Listen, laser brain. This isn't some game to play to fulfill your own ego needs. This is the rebellion so you either get serious or get back to your smuggling ways, understood?" I said in a stern, yet angry voice.
He then walked to me saying, "Understood, your worship. I'll still have my fun though. One day when we are married, we will laugh about this. Maybe then you'll finally admit that I was right about your liking of smugglers.", he said as he put his finger to my chin, winked then walked out with his full on smirk on his face. At that point I was speechless with probably a hilarious expression on my face of anger. But at that moment, I knew I was in love with him, no matter if I never wanted to admit it.

We stood there with his arm still around my shoulder, looking out to the view.
     Han could tell I was in deep thought as he asked, "Hey, what's wrong?".
    "Hm? Oh, nothing.", I responded leaving his side to continue to look at the view.
    "Leia, we are married now, you need to tell me these things. Besides I know you way too well to know that there is something wrong.", he said.
    "Just reminiscing but it's just that, everything feels too peaceful. Maybe I'm just not used to it but something-", I stopped as I was interrupted.
    "Something in the force is telling you otherwise. I know I've heard it before. You've dealt with so much he past few years, I think you're just paranoid now.", he said as he then stuck out his hand my way, "Come on. Let's get back inside and enjoy the rest of our wedding day.", I smiled and nodded as I grabbed his hand.
There was still something tugging at me through the force, even if Han just believed it was paranoia. I let him believe it because he is right, I should be enjoying the wedding day with him. This feeling was different though. It was too dark, a familiar dark presence but bound to a brand new one.
Han turned around to stop us from walking and kiss me then said, "From the day I met you, all I ever wanted for you is to live a peaceful life. I hope that I can give that to you. I love you." As I held his hand that rested on my cheek responding with, "I know.".
We both continued walking to make our way back inside but I stopped as I had gotten this pain in my head. In a small scream, I grabbed the sides of my head and ducked down, not being able to balance. I could hear and feel a piercing sound and a million of screams, crying for help. As I winced in pain and let out a small scream of pain, Han immediately turned around screaming, "Leia! What's wrong?". I tried my best to answer but the pain would not let me, "I-I- the- s-s-o-o many sc-screams." He then picked me up and hurried to set me down in closest vacant room he could find, keeping the lights off to avoid anyone seeing me.
Once he set me down, the pain slowly stopped. He kneeled down next to me asking in terror, "What happened? Are you alright?". I nodded responding, "I think so. I heard this piercing sound with millions of screams. Something isn't right, Han.". Just then, we realized someone was in the room with us. A lady stepped forward, half of her face and blonde hair shining in the light from the window. Then, a voice that was too familiar and dark to ever forget said, "I hope there is room for two more at your wedding, my daughter.", as then his red light saber ignited, Han grabbed my hand and held it tightly while we feared what was about to happen next.

    Well this is officially the end of this book! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. As I promised before though, there will be a sequel! I will admit, I have not started writing it yet but I already have planned how the first chapter will start the story off. Thank you all for your comments and sticking around throughout this story.
         Please if you could, I would very much appreciate if you guys left comments in this epilogue to let me know if you enjoyed the book and any unanswered questions you would want to see answered in the sequel. (Most of the unanswered questions I already planed how to answer them but I'm curious as to what you guys are interested in seeing the most.)

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now