Ch. 11 Finally

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     Han didn't need his vision fully back to see and know the fear and disappointment all over her face. He could sense her pain of knowing the truth. All he could do is hold her hand tighter and say, "Leia...I'm so sorry.", in a comforting tone. "I'm still trying to accept it but the more I think about it, the more it fills me with anger.", she told him then continued, "You're alive and that's all that matters.".
     As time passed, they landed at the rebel base and Han's eyesight returned to almost normal. Once he could see Leia's face again, he grabbed her face and held her, so happy he could see her face finally. She felt safe again, knowing that he was back, never wanting to lose him again.
    "Ms.Organa, we have been contacted by rebel spies that Vader is planning to capture hostages and attack.", one of the officers said to Leia. "Contact the General and inform him immediately. Confirm activation of the energy field.", Leia requested. "Shall we inform the rebel pilots to get to their transports?", the officer asked. "Yes and prepare the X-wing fighters for take off.", Leia said as she and Han made their way to the control room.
    The general greeted the two, relieved to have them back, "Princess Organa and Captain Solo, we are pleased to have you back.". Han walked up to him, "Thank you, general. What's the plan?". Leia walked up to the general, "We need to evacuate as soon as there is any clear sight of the Empire or TIE fighters. That will leave us a clear opening for us to all make it out safely."
    The general nodded, "Yes in fact the officers and I discussed that those of us that are clear targets as hostages should make our way to the secret rebel base with some protection of fighters.". Han added, "It won't be long until the empire figures out where we went. They found us without anybody knowing our location. They may even have spies on our base already.". The general agreed and sighed then Han continued to say, "It would be safer is you got Luke and the princess to the secret base tonight while Lando and I stay here to watch over officers and help with tasks."
    Leia looked at him with complete shock and said, "Han!-", but was cut off by the general, "Ms.Organa, this is the only way to ensure your safety. I will go clear the plan with the rest of the officers. Thank you, Captain.", the general walked off and a few seconds later Han began to walk off too.
    "Han, what do you think you're doing?", Leia asked. "I'm making sure you are safe.", he added quickly. "I just got you back! I'm not losing you again. You're going to get killed if you stay here.", she said in an angry tone.
  "Would you please stop acting like such a princess all of the time?", he raised his voice. Leia was stunned that he said that and walked off. Han followed behind her quickly, realizing what he had just said, "Leia, I'm sorry look I just-", she cut him off as usual, "No, I get it. I'm a princess so I can't stay here and ordering people around is what I do best.".
   "That's not what I meant, I just want you safe."

   "Then what did you mean? Why would you say that?"

    "You just need to care more about yourself right now than worrying about being a princess."

    "It's the only piece of my home I have left. But you wouldn't understand because you seem to not care about anything and easily walk away from anything you care about or anything that cares about you."

   Han couldn't believe she said that, "You know nothing about my past, don't turn this on me princess."

    "So this is what we are back to...?"

    "Back to what?"

   "You constantly driving me crazy and the non-stop arguing."

    "If it bothers you so much then why are you still here? The door is right there, princess."

    Leia began to walk off furiously, then stopped with her back facing to him, "You know, as evil as Vader is, he was right about something."

   "Right about what?", Han asked afraid to listen to her reply.

   "That I was foolish to think love could save me.", she said in a serious tone then walked off, not looking at him.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now