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   For 4 hours, I sat there on the floor staring at the door of the room that Han was in or for better words, his lifeless body was in. There were no more tears that could fall from my face, my face was blank.
     Jon wanted this. He made sure we got sent here, to make sure Han would die so that I can't bring him back. He wants this so I can fully turn to the dark side. If there is no Han, then there is no Kylo. Jon has all of the power and he won't be defeated.
     Nothing will make me turn to the dark side, I wanted one thing and one thing only. Jon to be defeated.
     I stared at the door even longer. Part of me felt like I was waiting for Han to walk out with a smirk on his face and say something sarcastic to me but the other part of me knew that I was just in denial and knew he was dead.
      Finally I stood up, but made my way to the door, looking around to make sure nobody had seen me. Slowly, I opened the door as silently as I could and went inside the room to see Han. As I walked in, the room felt cold, with the lights very bright. I walked into the room farther and a body laying on the bed, there he was. I put a hand over my mouth, trying to not cry and be strong if this was my last moment with him. I walked up to him, "I'm so sorry.", I said as I grabbed his hand, feeling how cold he was, no warmth or life filled his body anymore. "This never should have happened. I should have let you leave on Hoth. But a shocker this must be, I was selfish. I needed you. I needed you way more than you needed me.", tears filled my eyes even more, "I still need you. You and Luke are all I had. I love you Han. But you know that.", I had smiled slightly as one last tear fell down my face.
      Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I turned around scared to see if it was a guard but thankfully it was Rey. "Leia, you shouldn't be in here, the guards are looking all over for you.". I replied, ignoring about her statement about the guards. "He didn't deserve this. I caused all of this, I should have just let him leave the rebel base, back to his smuggling ways." She hugged me saying, "No, you didn't cause this. The dark side caused this."
       "He wanted to leave. I should have just let him leave.", I said as I backed away from her embrace. "You are so brave, Leia. He loved you, I know he did. I could feel how powerful your connection with him was. Come on, we are going to find Luke.", she said to me as she held my arm gently.
       We exited the room from the back, as I took one last glance at Han. We hurried to my room as we saw a ship land, carrying out General Skywalker. He was limping with some cuts and wounds on his arms. I smiled, knowing that Luke will be able to see his son again after we find him.
        We continued our way to my guest room as guards we scattered across the halls. "I found her, she was still waiting by Han's room, she needed to be alone.", Rey said.
       "Thank you, Rey.", I said as I turned and hugged her. So much light flowed through her presence. She was kind and a fighter. Brave ones like her deserve happy endings.
        "We have a mission to go find Luke Skywalker. We may know where he is.", I said to a rebel leader. He nodded and said, "Yes we have a ship ready for you two.", I nodded then I looked over to see the falcon, smiling and said, "Thank you but I think we will be taking our own ship today.". Rey glanced over to see the falcon too and smiled. "Let's go.", she said.
We began walking over to the ship but I stopped and said to her as she continued walking, "Get the ship ready, I'll be there soon.", I said to her as she nodded.
I walked over to find General Skywalker sitting, getting his wounds and cuts patched up. As he saw me approach, he waved the rebel medics to walk away. He stood up to hug me saying, "I'm so sorry about Han.", I looked at him replying, "You are so brave like Luke. You risked your life to save us all, he would do that too."
He nodded and looked down. "Kylo is the reason for my father's disappearance. He killed innocent training Jedis.", he said to me. "How did you know?", I asked impatiently. He looked up suddenly, "What do you mean?"
          "How did you know who I was? Han and I didn't tell anyone."
          "Your presence felt too familiar to ignore. Then when Han said that his name was 'Han', I knew he wasn't just named after the war hero, he was the war hero. After that I knew exactly who you were."
          I rolled my eyes with a chuckle in response to him knowing us from Han giving away his name, "Solo sure knew how to be subtle.", I said. Skywalker laughed and I continued. "You're a force user?"
          He nodded but brought me closer and said, "But nobody must know. Kylo is still out there, if he finds out then we are doomed."
         "You're secret is safe with me.", I said the looked over saying, "and Rey. She sensed that you had the force radiating through you.". He smiled, "Rey is strong with the force."
          "Very strong. She hasn't been trained, she needs to be protected."
          "You need to protect her."
          "Me? Once we find Luke, he has to protect her. He's much stronger than me and much more wise with the force."
          "But Leia.....she's your daughter."
            I quickly turned with wide eyes to look at him, "What?"
            He nodded, "She has no idea who her parents are. You and Han both agreed when she was born to hide to her somewhere safe so that Kylo and the Empire would not be able to find her or even know of her existence. You knew right from her being born that she was very strong with the force but did not want her to train or put her in danger. It was a very hard time for you both, it was not an easy decision. But you did what was best."
           "Is that why him and I went off on our own ways?"
           "Han disappeared before you. He felt like he was losing you more and more everyday. He felt your pain and it hurt him knowing that he couldn't fix it so he decided it was best to leave."
          "It's funny because I always tell myself eventually the galaxy will be rooting for us but now I was able to see what my future could have been, it's still against us."
           Skywalker put his hand on my shoulder saying, "Aunt Leia, you're so much stronger than you think, maybe this was a chance to fix your future and stop Kylo sooner from turning to the dark side.", I looked away saying, "Han is dead. He was supposed to die all along so that there would be no Kylo.". He gave a saddened smile to me.
"Rey and I are going to go look for Luke, we may know where he is.", I said to him and smiled. "May the force be with you.", he said to me and he hugged me again then walked away. "Wait,", I stopped him, "since you're my nephew, I'm sure your first name isn't General.", he smiled saying, "Anakin.", the  continued on his way. I smiled back as he walked away, hearing the light side of my father felt nice as back in the past, or present of my time I should say, he's overtaken by the dark forces. I see all light in Luke's son, the man who really should have been the chosen one.
I made my way back to the falcon to find Rey sitting in the pilot seat. "You ready?", she asked. "Yes.", I replied, smiling.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now