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      We finally reached the secret rebel base that hadn't been much of a secret anymore since Vader knew where we were located. It was only a matter time until he realized I escaped and made it back here. It terrifies me to go back, to have more nightmares.
      Once we got off, Han took me straight to the medical center since I apparently took a hard fall. Once we entered one of the rooms, I sat down and had scans done to make sure I did not have internal bleeding. The med-robots set up and I.V in my arm since I was very weak from being tortured at the empire base. The robot then left the room to start their next tasks.
      Han sat next me on the medical bed I was on. "How are you feeling?", he asked very concerned. "I'm fine, just drained is all.", I replied. He held my hand, to make sure I felt safe. And ironically with the empire most likely searching for me, I felt safer than I ever have in the longest time. "You still never told me why you were so scared before waking up.", Han said, implying that I should tell him.
I sat up then said, "I've been having these dreams....well nightmares.". He became more alert to every word I said. "What do you mean nightmares?". He asked.
"I keep ending up on this empire base except it's not the empire base we have seen. It's much larger.....darker. The first dream didn't include Vader. It was a young, evil, masked man who looked like him but definitely was not him. Then there was an older man who looked so very familiar and well soon found was you. And the evil man.....he was....he was.", I began slowly dozing with Han saying, "Leia? Leia, can you hear me?". I then saw the figure of the young evil man approaching behind Han then all of a sudden he was gone. I came back to reality with Han saying, "Leia, what is wrong? Please tell me."
"He was your son. And he killed you.", Han was silent with a terrified face and I continued, "Han, every time I think about you when you're away, I get these deathly visions. This evil man, your son, he haunts me. He gets into my head and dreams. I get this image of him killing you over and over again and-". Han heard the pain in my voice and saw it in my face. He interrupted me, grabbed me, and held me, saying, "It's okay, Leia." He kissed my forehead then said, "Listen to me, no matter how many times the galaxy pulls us apart, we will always find our way back to each other. Always."
       I lifted my head from his chest and asked, "Why does the Galaxy not what us to be together?". He replied with a smirk, "What princess falls in love with a smuggler?". I smiled slightly while letting out a small chuckle. He then said, "I think the galaxy is just jealous because there are no other two people more perfect for each other. Look Leia-", he said with concern but was interrupted by the General. "Captain Solo, may I speak with you please?". Han nodded, kissed my head then walked out into the hallway. I tried to listen but it was difficult with the noise from the machines in the medical room. They both had a serious face but the general seemed a little more than serious, angry even. Han looked down as if he was disappointed in himself. 

     Then I heard the general say, "I'm sorry Solo, we are going to have to release you from the base and the entire rebel system. You must pack your things and leave at once.", Han nodded, looked at me with a saddened look then walked off quickly. I wanted to go after him but then the general walked in.

"General, what is going on?", I asked demandingly. "Ms.Organa, it was reported that Solo had been part of the rebel system because was a spy. I did not believe it but then had soon found out this to be true. Although he did risk his life to destroy the empire, he has been in contact with them and other dangerous threats to us rebels.", he informed me. I couldn't believe it, well I didn't want to believe it. I did not say a word but instead I got up, and furiously walked off to find Han.
    I walked down the halls not acknowledging anyone I was passing. My blood was boiling, I wanted to yell at him from the top of my lungs. Was this all a joke to him? Sympathy? Was be going to turn me in to pay off his stupid debt?He wasn't anywhere to be found but his ship was still here and Chewie was inside. "Where is Han?", I asked in a loud voice. Chewie pointed me to his room on the rebel base. Once I reached his room, I barged in and there he was packing his bags. "Need some help packing?" I said in a sarcastically angry voice.
    "Leia, I was about to tell you but the general walked in."

    "Why did you wait so long to tell-.....was I part of your plan all along? A princess falling for a low-life smuggler, it does sound pretty bizarre doesn't it?"

    "Listen to me will you? Okay, yes at first it was a plan. I had a debt to pay off. I was supposed to save you from Vader, then take you to Jabba and then I would be free from my debt. Yes, all of it was a plan at first to try to get you to fall for me so that you can trust me for wherever I took us and somehow end up at Jabba's. It was my task to get you to Jabba, pay off my debt and be on my way. But then I got scared because I fell for you and there was no way I would let them near you. So I told them to freeze me and turn me into Jabba instead.".

    "So now you're supposed to be some hero because you froze yourself? You didn't even tell me you told them to freeze you."

    "No, I'm not a hero. Nowhere close to it."


    "Look, that stuff means nothing to me anymore, paying off a debt. You're what matters."

    "Han, you lied to me. You hurt me. Multiple times and now you expect everything to be okay?

    "Don't do this Leia. Please believe me.", he stepped closer and put his hand on the side of my face. I turned away and said, "I want to, I really really want to but I can't. You're being forced to leave and I can't just wait here for you. There are too many tasks to take care of and I can't sneak around to see you. If they see me with you, I will be kicked off the grounds of the rebel base or anywhere close. You're a threat to the rebels. It's not fair to you or me. Us."

    "Back again with the royalty talk, are we?" He said with a sarcastic tone. I paused for a moment then said in a serious tone, "Well, don't take too long packing your things, General wants you gone at once.".
     As I started walking away, all of a sudden there were bullets shooting at the window of Han's room, shattering the glass. In an instant, Han dove towards me, landing us on the ground, on the side of his bed opposite of the window, with him keeping me covered. Han lifted up from covering me, rolling over to the side. I sat up noticing a lot of blood on my chest area, but I had not been in pain or been shot. I looked over to see Han was bleeding a great amount through his shirt. His face showed that he was in a significant amount of pain. While saying with fear and a slight joking matter, "No, no, no, no, Han don't leave me for good, you can't get rid of me that easily." I moved closer to him, grabbing towels or anything close to me to stop his bleeding, while setting a pillow under his head. He was losing more and more blood every second. "This isn't fair. This isn't fair. Why is this happening?", I said quietly trying to hold back tears. I ran to the intercom on his desk saying, "This is Ms.Organa! Any officer that can hear me, please send help to room R7! Quickly it is an emergency!".
     I ran back to sit next time him, grabbing more towels. I kept putting more pressure to his chest near his heart, where he was shot, then grabbed his hand and pushed his hair back saying, "You're going to be okay. No matter what, we always find a way back to each other remember?". Tears began falling while saying my last sentence, then I laid my head on him, sobbing. I never cried like this in front of him before. He grabbed my hand tighter, letting out a faint, "I know."

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now