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       Han has been in a coma for a week now. A week since we fought. A week since he saved me. A week since "I know". I wish I could go back and tell him "I love you", let him know that I am foolishly, madly, deeply in love with him no matter how hard it is for me to show that, because I'm not sure he will hear me say it again. But part of was holding so tight because he was still alive.

        Since the last week, things have been much different. I tried to distract myself and work with the team on the next plan to destroy the Death Star while defeating anybody who is a threat to us, but all I could think about is the fact that there is a chance I will never hear Han's voice again.

      Once the med team arrived in his room last week, they had to take him to the new medical center on a different base to perform the procedure he needed. His heart was being completely blocked at one point from a bullet, slowly stopping blood from flowing through his chest, but luckily they performed quickly. I volunteered to stay with him until he wakes from his coma. I would talk to him sometimes as if he could hear me, hoping he could. It's heartbreak not having him. I knew the more likely unfortunate answer to him waking up. In case there was a slight chance he could hear me, I began my "speech". Well more like a eulogy.

      "You can't even hear me but I'm going to pretend you do. I don't know what I really want to say but all I know is that......I miss you. A week without you hurts more than any physical pain in the Galaxy. I do need you, more than you will ever understand, even if I'm not very good at showing you. I've needed you before I even knew that I needed you." I let out a soft chuckle, "I used to not be able to stand you but somehow I enjoyed that I couldn't. But it scared me because I knew that you had control over my feelings, and I of course was never going to let a scoundrel know that a princess had a crush on him. Han, I need you to know one thing, if you can't fight anymore and it hurts too much, stop. Don't cause more pain. But all I ask is you fight until you can't anymore.", I began crying while holding his hand with both of mine, "It's not fair. The Galaxy is not fair. But, we will always find our way back to each other one way or another. Always.". I laid my head on the side of his shoulder and shut my eyes, letting tears fall.
Luke walked in. "Hey Leia, how's he doing?", he came over and put his hand on my shoulder and sat down next to me when he saw the tears. I sat up and answered, "Same condition.", I looked to the ground. "We may know who attempted to kill Han. It is supposedly a bounty hunter. His name is Boba Fett."
     I looked up at Luke, "How did he find him or even the secret base?", I asked. Luke replied, "We are not quite sure but once we saved you from Vader, we believe he hired Boba to find us and track down Han. He's the best bounty hunter out there and Vader is not going to give up." I let this information enter my mind. "Which is why I must go find Vader. To end all of this. We've all been put through too much pain because of the Empire."
     "Luke you can't leave. They will kill you once you step foot on the Death Star without a chance to speak.", I said.
     "This is the only option. You have to stay with Han and in this medical center. It's the only place you're safe from the empire. You have rebel guards surrounding the area.", he said. I nodded and sat in silence knowing he was right. I gave him a hug while saying, "Please stay safe, Luke.". He hugged me tighter and then said, "When Han wakes up, tell him that's two he owes me.", he said with a slight smile then continued saying, "Be safe, Leia.". He walked out and straight to his ship.
I laid my head back down on Han's chest and soon enough I was in a deep sleep
There was a green meadow filled with beautiful flowers that led to a balcony overlooking the city. I was wearing the same outfit that I was wearing in the medical room, confused as to where this amazing place was. I'd never seen this planet before nor had it looked familiar in any way. As I glanced around I noticed a man standing at the balcony, looking out at the view. I've memorized his look by now. "Han?", I asked hoping that it was him, while slowly walking closer. It was. "Leia? How are you here?", he asked in confusion. "What do you mean? Isn't this my dream?", I asked.
     "No, this is too real to be just a dream. You're not in a coma too are you?
    "No, just fell asleep is all.", I chuckled slightly.

  "Leia, you have to listen to me. Run. Run away. Boba Fett is looking for me to turn me into Jabba and you are more wanted than me."

"How did you know about Fett?"

"I overheard you talking to Luke and I know it was him after me."

"I'm staying with you until you wake up from your coma."

"No. You're running away. I will be holding you back. The empire is closer than you know."

"Han, I'm bringing you with me."

He grabbed my hand then said, "We will find a way to each other again. Always. But even if we don't, all I want is for you to be happy. Find that happiness, don't wait for me.", then kissed me and began walking away.

"Han, where are you going?"

"I'll see you soon, Leia. I know it.", he said as he turned his head then continued walking.

"Han. Han! Han!!!", I tried to grab his arm but he was gone. I looked up and saw ships approaching. It was the empire like Han said. As I started running, I fell to the ground, noticing a dark figure approaching me. Everything went black. I woke up.
    I knew I had to leave. Was I becoming more powerful with the force? Did Han have the force? Were these visions real? Was that really Han I spoke with? I looked at his blank and sleeping face, while grabbing his hand tighter and said, "We will find a way back to each other. Always.". I kissed his forehead and just as I was about to let go of his hand, he held it tighter. I turned in shock to him. It was really him I spoke to in my vision. I let go saying, "Please keep fighting, Han.", then ran out the door past guards.
"Ms.Organa, you are ordered to stay on the premises of the medical base.", said one of the guards. "I am requesting you let me leave, I will speak to the general if I must.", I ordered to the guards. "The general has returned back to the rebel center and we are given orders to not let you leave the premises. You may go to your room or stay with Captain Solo.", one requested. I walked to my room without saying anything else knowing I had to find a way to escape. As I was pacing back and forth trying to find a way to escape, I saw Luke preparing to leave as well. He was my only way out. I hurried my way to him.
"Luke, you have to take me with you.", I said abruptly.
"What? No. There is no way you are coming with me, Leia. You have to stay with Han.", he responded.
"Please just listen and try to understand. I keep having these visions, force visions. Han is in them, you are in them and Vader is in them. Han continues to get hurt or killed and I wake up, while everything seems fine, something happens to Han. These can't be just perfectly timed visions, Vader is getting in my head."

"Is that why you passed out when we saved you?"

"Yes. They seem so real and I thought everything happening in my dream was real. Luke, I talked to Han earlier, I was in a dream but he was there and told me to run from Boba and the empire but I need to end this. I have to defeat Vader."

"How did you speak to Han? It's not possible unless he has the force."

"He may or may not have the force and I won't know until he wakes up. But if I don't defeat the empire then I'll never know the truth. This conversation felt real. I'm becoming stronger with the force, I just need to stop Vader. We can stop Vader. End this pain.

Luke took a long pause before answering me. "I can't take the chance of losing you, especially before Han wakes up."

"Luke, you and I both know that I am going to go to the empire myself even if you say no. So we go together or I go alone."

"I can't live with the thought of you getting hurt or worse, dying knowing that this is a terrible idea and I allowed you to go. But I do believe we will stop the empire one way or another."

"Give me a lightsaber. We leave now.", I said with a smirk. I knew that there was a chance I could die and not see Han again but I also knew there was an even great chance this could all be stopped and we would never live in fear again. Han told me to run but all I was doing was becoming a target for the empire and Fett. 'You'll thank me later, Han.', I whispered to myself.

L E I A   &   H A N : An Adventurous Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant