Chapter 40

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Okay guys, this will be the last spur (probably didn't use that in the right context but whatever) of updates. Chapter 46 and then a "bonus" and that's it!! Kitten and Darling will be up eventually but I need to get some things organized here and in my google account (holy shite that is a mess...) and also on my main account which haven't gotten updates in a while. Sorry lovelies..

Oh btw below is from Gabi so I wasn't gonna delete it but that's not me

~New Rules~

Quick reminder that I really fucking hate it when my stories are compared to other peoples. And just because Vic didn't say I love you back to Kellin DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO FUCKING MENTION COMPLEXES. If you ask pretty much any author they can tell you that it's really fucking annoying when someone compares your work to another persons. ALL WRITERS ARE DIFFERENT. Okay enjoy your chapter, I just had to get that off of my chest. And lets see if I get in trouble by wattpad for the picture ;)

"Kellin!" Ariel yelled as soon as she saw me walk in the mansion with Vic holding my hand tight.

"He'll talk to you later," Vic said practically dragging me along with him up the stairs. I shot Ariel a smile and she started laughing.

"God Vic, Kellin comes home and the first thing you do is fuck!?" She yelled up at us still laughing and Vic let out a scoff.

"I haven't fucked i- him yet. We're going to do that now so shut up Water."

I shook my head trying not to laugh and let Vic drag me all the way to a play room. Once we were inside of the random bedroom Vic's whole demeanor changed. He was no longer that, well I don't know how to describe him when he's not being all standoffish but he wasn't Vic anymore.

No he was my master.

He smirked as he started to circle me eyeing me up and down.

"I don't think I can fuck something in such an ugly dress," My master muttered eyeing my dress with distaste.

"I can take it off sir," I said trying to get my heart to slow down. My god it's been so long since I've been fucked by my master and I honestly am way too freaking excited for this. Master Fuentes slapped my butt hard making me cry out.

"I don't believe I gave you permission to speak," He said and moved to stand behind me grabbing my hair by the handful and yanked my head so that I was looking back at him. "I think we just might have to go over them."

I nodded and bit my bottom lip trying not to let out an excited squeal as he let go of my hair and pushed me forward to an odd shaped seat that sort of looked like a step stool or something of that sort.

"I see something has been biting it's lip while it was away too," He said and started to unzip my dress slowly. "My Kitten, have you been away from me so long that you forgot all of your rules?" My master asked me running his hands up and down my sides as my dress fell to the floor. I kicked it away along with my TOMS and shook my head. "Answer me."

"No Sir, I remember them all."

"So you broke them on purpose?" He asked and pulled away so that he wasn't touching me at all.

I gnawed on my lip trying to think about how to answer that when he spanked me hard.

"No lip biting Kitten," He scolded and pulled off my panties before he forced me onto my knees on the weird seat. My master pressed his hands against my bottom rubbing it slowly spreading my cheeks wide when he let go of one and pressed something cold, round and lubed up to my hole. Master Fuentes pushed it in another one followed right after it, I let out a low groan. It's been so long since I've had anything inside of me and while I wish this was my master inside of me I wasn't going to be greedy,

"Make sure those little balls don't slip out," He instructed and I nodded tightening my muscles around them moaning as they moved around inside of me vibrating on a super low setting. They felt so heavy just resting inside of me, it was a strange sensation. Master Vic pulled up the cuffs and I felt them click into place on my ankles before he did the same with my wrists.

"Naughty kittens who break the rules need to be punished, I'm very disappointed Kitten," He said looking down at me with disgust. He grabbed a riding crop from a hook and ran it up my spine slowly as he walked around so that he was behind me. "What was the first rule I ever gave you?" My master asked still running the crop up and down my back and ass lightly sending shivers down my spine.

"No lip biting," I answered closing my eyes just as Master Fuentes hit my right cheek hard, but I know he can hit harder than that.

"And what have you been doing?"

"Biting my lip," I answered and he spanked me again a little harder than before.

"Let's name off the rules shall we?" He asked hitting me again making me let out a high pitched whine. "Rule number two?"

"Never look you in the eyes, I'm not your equal and I never will be," I grumbled. That rule better not be one that stays in our relationship or whatever we are.

"We're going to change that one just a little," He said and placed a leg on either side of me and leaned close resting his chest against my back. "When we're like this you're not my equal, but when we aren't you are more than just my equal. Understand?" Vic whispered in my ear getting out of his mean little character for just for a minute. "Every rule we have from here on only apply during our... play time. When we're not fucking you can do whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want. Well as long as you don't hurt yourself or something, and the lip biting. No lip biting ever." He said and kissed my cheek before getting off of me.

I held back a smile as he ran the crop against my back and hit me again even harder making me gasp and lean against the chair.

"Do you like your bench kitten? It's a special seat for little kittens just like you," He said sticking something to my sides making me groan in annoyance. He knows what the stupid electrodes do to me and yet here he is putting them on me anyway.

"I love it Master." I said just as he turned on the stupid shock equipment and a small shock went to my stomach making my muscles clench up then forced them to relax which made it a struggle to keep the balls inside of me.

"That leads to the next rule, what is it again Kitten?"

"Always c-call you Master," I said with a gasp as he hit me again. "You own me, I'm yours and no one else's."

"Good boy," He said rubbing my ass soothing the burning, fevered skin. His hands were so cold against my flushed bottom, it felt amazing. I pushed against him making my master chuckled. "Looks like someone's being needy."

I nodded and let out a little whine as he let go of me and went back to teasing, he ran the crop between my cheeks and down the inner side of my right thigh. I felt him run it down the back of my member slowly and held back a moan, I wanted to cum just from that one little feeling oh my god. Vic continued having me name off the rules, spanking me after each one until finally I was finished and my backside burned from all the lashes. My master turned up the volume on the electric pulser making it nearly impossible to keep the little balls inside but I managed, I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched onto the sides of the bench using every muscle I could to keep them in place.

"Such a good little Kitten," Master Fuentes said with a chuckled and slipped a hand under me wrapping his hand around my member clicking something into place. I looked up at him and scowled.

"Ma-Master d-do you ha-ate me?" I stuttered as the ring started to vibrate around me on high.

"Oh of course not Kitten," My master said sounding amused. "Quite the opposite actually."

I gave him an innocent smile while he winked and went around behind me. I listened as he undid his belt, excitement grew in the pits of my stomach. Or maybe that was just the stupid pulses and vibrations that had me ready to cum at any second. He slowly pulled out the little balls, my head dropped down as my muscles finally relaxed and I let the shocks go throughout my body making every muscle sooth down getting rid of all the tenseness.

"This is what the kitten has been waiting for isn't it?" He asked grabbing my butt squeezing it hard enough to probably leave bruises. I felt his head press against my entrance before he slammed into me making me scream out. The balls stretched me enough but it was nothing like the stretcher or the dilators.

Master Vic grabbed my hair and pulled my head back making my back arch as he slammed into me again. "Scream for me Kitten." He said pulling my hair even harder making me do just that. Oh my god I missed this so much. Vic continued thrusting deep inside of me as he started to hit my prostate each with each thrust.

"Master, ca-can I cum?" I whimpered my dick throbbing as I held back from releasing all over the bench.

"Beg me for it," He said with a grunt slamming into me even harder.

"Please Master! I'll do anything just let me cum," I whined clenching up all of my muscles once more only this time I was just trying not to cum. "I'll do whatever you want Master please."

"You already do what I want," He said with a moan and pulled on my hair as he released deep inside of me. Oh my god I can't hold it in any longer, I let out a small whine. "Let go." He ordered and I did leaning against the bench finally letting go gasping loudly as we both rode out our highs.

Once we were finished Vic pulled out of me and pulled his pants back on before getting me out of my bindings.

"Come on Kellin, let's go get you cleaned up," Vic said helping me up once he got all the toys off of me. I nodded still trying to even my breathing. I smiled at him, Vic's never done this before. Usually Ariel is the one who handles the aftercare, meaning she put any ointment on cuts, put ice on marks to make sure they didn't bruise too much and bathed me.

"I love you," I said grabbing his hand.

He smiled and kissed the side of my head, "Let's just hurry so you can go see those two idiots and Ariel will leave me alone."

"Has she really been that annoying?"

"You don't even understand the half of it," He grumbled. "If I didn't like the pornstar so much I'd have already sold her or punished her at least."

"If you hurt her I swear to god Vic," I warned.

He cracked me a smile, "I'm glad you're home."

"So am I, so am I." I said with a smile, I don't think I've ever been this happy after getting fucked.

I think I could get used to it though.

Master {Kellic} [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now