Chapter 24

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I love Oli and Matty in this fic like usually they're the bad guys but they're literally those annoying but loving older brothers.

So nothing like mine. My brothers are just annoying children that like to complain about stupid stuff lmao srry my bros ly2

~Giant Teddy Bears~


I paced in front of my hotel room waiting for the doctor to come out and talk to me. Dr. Iero is a slave owner, but he's also a doctor for a lot of slaves since we can't exactly take the slaves to actual doctors offices. He's been in the room with my kitten for thirty minutes now and I'm starting to get worried. I know I shouldn't even care and I can't let anyone know that I care about Kellin or else he can get taken away from me, but I can't help it.

The little kitten is mine, there's something about him that's got me hooked and I can't get enough of him. I don't know if it's because even though I've put him through hell he still has this shred of innocence about him, or if it's because he's different. But whatever it is I can't let the other masters and mistresses know that I've taken a liking to him. One of biggest rules in the whole community is that the relationship between a master and a slave is only sexual, if you get actual emotional feelings for your slave you can lose them. I don't know why, I've never learned why but it's a big no, no to get close to your slave. But, I can't help it. Kellin intrigues and enamors me.

The door opened and I stopped pacing and leaned up against the wall crossing my arms.

"Well it seems that Cerulli gave your slave an anal fissure from fucking it without prep or lube, the rip is pretty bad. I suggest have someone perform a retention enema on it because Cerulli went in without a condom and this way you can make sure your slave doesn't get HIV or anything. Remember with retention enemas it's going to have to hold it in for five to fifteen minutes." Dr. Iero said and continued telling me how else to treat Kellin, he wrote me a prescription for some medicine and whatnot. "There will be some bleeding down there for a while so just keep that in mind and I suggest you don't fuck it for a few weeks until the rip heals."

I nodded, "Alright, thank you Dr. Iero."

I'm going to fucking kill Chris Cerulli. He hurt my slave and that's not okay, he's going to fucking pay for this.

"It's no problem," He said and left. I sighed and pushed the door to the hotel room open slowly.

"Kitten?" I asked quietly, Kellin was lying in my bed with the blankets wrapped around him tight. If the situation were different I would have thought he looked absolutely adorable like that. I went towards him and took a seat next to my slave on the bed and pushed his hair out of his face.

Kellin flinched.

"I'm sorry Master," He whispered and I sighed as I continued to pet his hair.

"You did nothing wrong," I told him and carefully picked the kitten up and held him in my lap, blankets and all.

"I-I tried not to say anything b-but he didn't pr-prep me o-or use lube," Kellin said sniffling like he was about to start crying. "Master it hurt so much."

I rubbed his back slowly, "I know Kitten and I'm so sorry he hurt you. If I knew he was going to do that then I would have never let him touch you." I said in a soft voice. I've never done this before and it feels weird.

As a child I had never received this kind of treatment, not like my younger brother did so I have no idea what I'm doing with Kellin. In all honesty I've been winging it, acting on emotions which is reckless. That kind of thing can get a man like me killed and I can't risk it. But here I am holding my slave and making sure that he's alright and safe.

Kellin started to shake and cry.

"Kitten it's okay, I'm here now and I won't let anyone ever hurt you like that again," I told him and he pulled away and sniffed his cute, red nose.


"I promise Kellin, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Except for you," Kellin said in a small voice. "I-I like it when you do it but not him. No one else."

I laughed and wiped the tears off of his cheeks, "I'm the only one who will ever hurt you again, but only if you like it."

He cautiously laid his head on my chest, "Thank you Master."

"Call me Vic," I found myself say and Kellin pulled back abruptly and stared at me shocked.


"Call me Vic, Kellin." I said again. In all honesty I'm starting to really hate the master thing. It's great when we're fucking but aside from that it's getting irritating.

"A-are you sure M- Vic?" He asked stumbling over the words a little. I smiled my heart fluttering like it always does when he says my name.

"Yes Kitten, I'm sure. Only call me Master when we're at events or fucking," I ordered and he nodded pressing his head against my chest once more.

"I'm tired," He mumbled.

"Get some sleep Kel."

Kellin nodded and after a few minutes his breathing evened out and I set him back on the bed. I need to start distancing myself from Kellin, I can't get anymore feelings for him. It's hard enough to suppress the ones I already have for him I don't need to get more. I walked out of the room quietly just as Sykes and Mullins walked up with fucking teddy bears. I groaned.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked and they both nodded with serious looks on their faces.

"Yes." Mullins said simply and I groaned again.

"Fine, but Kellin is sleeping and if you wake him up I will kill you," I said walking back to my room.

"Him?" Oliver asked, "Oh my god you didn't call him it!"

"Idiot," I muttered unlocking the door and stepped in. "Put the stupid toys down and be quiet."

They set their dumb stuffed animals down next to Kellin and came back to me.

"So what happened?" Mullins asked.

"Fucking Cerulli fucked him without any preparation, lubrication or condom. Dr. Iero said he didn't get any STI's from it thankfully but he is going to have to be flushed out a few times. And no fucking for like a month," I said crossing my arms.

"You're still not calling him an it, this is progress." Oliver said and I glared at him.

"I won't hesitate to kill you," I told him and he smiled.

"You won't do that Fuentes," He said and punched my shoulder playfully. I gave him a look arching an eyebrow.

"Don't touch me."

"You need to learn to relax," Matty said.


"Come on Fuentes, come hang out with Mullins and I." Oliver said, "Kellin can just stay in here or I can have Hannah come in and entertain him or something."

"Yeah let's go get drunk!"


"Victor Fuentes you are coming with us to get drunk and relax before we have that god awful meeting tomorrow!" Oliver said and he and Mullins grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the hotel room. I sighed, if I really wanted to I could kill them both right now but the two idiots are starting to grow on me.

"Alright, fine." I muttered, "I haven't had a beer in years."

"That's the spirit!" Mullins exclaimed.

"Whatever just let go of me," I ordered and they both did thankfully. I looked back at my hotel room, Kellin is going to freak out when he sees two giant teddy bears next to him when he wakes up and I need to stop thinking about him.

Kellin is just a slave, and nothing more.

And I need to remember that before I lose my favorite slave.

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