Chapter 11

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I can't get the top out of center align so hi

~Master Vic and I~

"Well my Mistress had some business to attend to with a few other mistresses and she couldn't take me with her. Vic is one of her closest I don't know acquaintances so she's having me stay here with him."

"Do you like it here?" I asked her crossing my ankles behind me and she shrugged twirling her hair around her finger.

"It's fine, I wear more clothes here than I do with Miss Jenna. I mean at home I usually wear outfits like yours. Vic just likes to be a dick which is why I'm in this stupid maids costume."

"Well it looks good on you," I offered. "You definitely look hot in it and if I was even remotely attracted to women I'd definitely bang you."

She laughed, "What happened to you being super innocent?"

"Netflix happened," I told her making her laugh a little more.

"Wait- so you're actually attracted to guys?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, when I was with Daddy he had asked me who I thought was cuter and I told him guys and he explained that it meant I'm gay."

"There's that sweet innocence I love so much. Between Vic and Netflix that's slowly going away," She said and ruffled my hair making me scowl.

"Don't touch the-" I stopped talking when I heard the door open and smiled, "Hi Master."

"Kitten, Lynn." Vic said looking at the both of us and walked to my closet.

"Sir? What are you doing?" Lynn asked getting off of my bed as my master went looking through my clothes saying something under his breath before looking back at Lynn and handed her a dress.

"Dress it in this." He ordered and sat down on the chaise lounge as Lynn came back to me with the dress.

"Where are you two going?" She asked him pulling my clothes off. Vic wolf whistled at me making me blush a little as Lynn helped me into the dress.

"I'm taking the Kitten shopping," He said stretching his legs out.

I looked down at the grey dress and smiled, "This dress is really pretty Master."

"I know it is," He said. "We'll be getting you more clothes today."

I nodded and bit my lip before stopping as Lynn pulled the brown belt tight.

"Lynn that's too tight," I mumbled.

"Sorry," She said and started loosening the belt when Vic stopped her.

"No, leave it like it is." He said and it took me a second to figure out if he meant leave me or leave the belt like it was. I think it was the second one. My master walked up to me and tucked a finger in my belt pulling it a little yanking me closer to him. "This looks perfect. And you're finally not biting your lip," He noted and patted my head.

I smiled and put my hands behind my back as Lynn went and got some shoes and came back with some white VANS.

"Sir I need Kellin to sit down so I can get some shoes on him." She said to my Master who let go of my waist and Lynn led me to the bed where she had me sit down and slip the shoes on my feet along with some socks. "You know Sir, I bet Kellin would love to get a pedicure."

"A what a cure?" My master and I both asked.

"Yeah get his feet done. Maybe make it a Mani-Pedi," She mused and I glared at her.

Master {Kellic} [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now