Chapter 14

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Ohh I remember this part the next chapter makes me wanna cringe into another reality


My master hasn't been in my room in over a week and I really miss him. I know that's weird because I'm just his slave and he's mean to me a lot of the time but he has his sweet moments where he's sort of nice to me. I have nothing to do right now though. You can only watch so much Netflix and play the same video games so many times before you get bored and I'm bored.

I am so freaking bored it's unbelievable and Lynn hasn't been here all day not even to feed me so not only am I bored- I'm starving too and according to the clock on the wall it's six in the evening.

I've been pacing my bedroom for about two hours now just because I'm getting restless and I'm starting to get tired of being locked in this room. I want some fresh air and sunlight. Something I haven't had since Vic took me out to the garden all those weeks ago. According to Lynn I've been here for almost three months now. And I've actually really liked being here, it's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me since Daddy brought me home with him for the first time since those people took me from him when I was a baby.

I sigh and look around the room and jump onto my fluffy bed giggling as I sink into it a little. This bed is my absolute favorite part of my room.

The door creaks open and Lynn skipped into the room with a bag of food and a cup.

"What's that?" I asked sitting up and she frowned.

"Oh right your daddy never gave you fast food did he?" She asked and went to the door to the adjoined room. I shook my head and climbed off of my bed following her to the room as she set the food down on the little table for two.

"No, he said fast food is bad for me and junk food but I've always wanted to try it." I said and sat down at the table.

"Well today you are," She said with a smile. "This is from a restaurant called McDonalds. I got you chicken nuggets, french fries and a Dr. Pepper." She said and pulled the items out of the bag.

"How'd you get this? I thought Master Fuentes said you weren't allowed to leave the house?"

"He had someone take me to do a couple of things- beautify me a little-"

"What do you mean beautify?"

"Someone took me to a salon and a spa," She said and pushed some hair out of the way. "See they even cut my hair and shaved it a little." She told me but there was a tinge of sadness in her voice.

I reached over the table and grabbed her hand, "What's wrong?"

"Vic called to talk to me and uh he told me I'm- my mistress didn't want me anymore an-and I'm being sold to a new mistress." She said looking like she was trying not to cry.

I frowned, "What do you mean you're being sold? Why can't Vic keep you!?"

"He didn't- he didn't say but when he comes back next week some one named Mistress Alexa is buying me. Vic said I'd like her so maybe it'll be okay."

"I'm going to miss you though," I said quietly and she sniffed.

"I'm going to miss you too. You're my best friend."

"And you're mine an-and now who am I going to tell about my wild sex adventures with my master? And who's going to take care of me since you're the only person who's allowed to be around me?"

Her eyes watered and she let go of my hand to wipe her eyes, "Probably one of Vic's maids or something." She said with a sniff and pulled out some of her own food. "Let's just uh let's eat and then maybe we can do something reckless and stupid."

"Is that a good idea? Master Fuentes wouldn't be happy."

"Well he's on business and he told me that he won't be back until next week."

"Why so long?" I whined and opened the little box to my chicken nuggets.

"I don't know... do you miss him?"

I nodded, "Mhm, I miss him a lot."

"Aw the little slave is falling for his master," She cooed eating some of her fries. I glared and took a bite of a chicken nugget and moaned.

"Oh my god! This is so good!"

She nodded and smiled before she took a bite of her salad, "Yeah I bet, anyway it's not like we're going to get caught. Vic just tells everyone that he has cameras to keep us on our toes but it'll be fine and besides you've never gotten to explore the house before." She said and I shrugged.

"I guess you're right and I'm really starting to get restless so maybe it'll be a good idea to do it." I finally said and took a drink of my Dr. Pepper, a drink I've never had before. Vic is like Daddy, he likes me eating and drinking healthy so all I ever eat is healthy food and drink water and juice.

"Well let's finish eating and we can go."

I nodded and we did just that and ate quickly before Lynn had me change out of my lingerie into some sweat pants and a t-shirt. When my master took me shopping he bought me some comfier clothes to wear for when he's on business but I rarely wear them because I really like the lingerie.

They're comfortable.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked her as we walked out of my room, my heart was pounding in my chest. This is absolutely terrifying yet exhilarating although Vic won't be back until next week he could possibly find out and I could get punished. Not to mention I'm never out of this room without a leash or Vic.

It's strange.

"We're just going to walk around the house and I can show you some of the cooler rooms. Vic has a giant indoors swimming pool as well as one outside. Not to mention he has over one hundred rooms most of them used as different sex rooms or dungeons. He has all kinds of cool stuff in here, And there's even this one part of the mansion that no one's allowed in. Then there's his personal gym where he has a third fucking pool but that one's just for exercise which is something Vic does a lot when he's here and not fucking you." She told me as we explored the house.

We walked around the house for about two hours before Lynn decided it was time to take me to my room when we heard footsteps behind us.

"It's probably just the help, it's best to just ignore them." Lynn told me.

"Well you see- I'm not the help and I really don't like being ignored. It's almost as disrespectful as a kitten who breaks the rules and leaves it's cage." Vic said and my heart stopped.

Oh shit.

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