Chapter 4

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Ima give up on these A/Ns soon

~I Miss Daddy~

I groaned laying in the soft bed trying not to move. My whole body just hurts, I have welts littered all across my thighs and ass from where Master Fuentes whipped me. I can't believe that's how I lost my virginity. Daddy always told me that he wanted my first time to be sweet and with someone I loved. I always thought my first time would be with my daddy.

But it wasn't.

It was with Master Fuentes who didn't even let me cum.

I stood in that room handcuffed for a good hour and a half before Lynn came and got me and just uncuffed me and left me in my room telling me I could get some clothes on. I was originally tempted to touch myself once she was gone but Master Fuentes told me that was against the rules and for all I know there were hidden cameras in here and I really didn't want him to punish me. He said that he had taken it easy on me, and if what I had experienced yesterday was his easy I'm terrified for when he goes full on. And god what are his punishments like?

It would have been no use if I had touched myself anyways, after a while the euphorically painful feeling was gone and in its place was just a big pile of disappointment. He had used me to please himself and then he was finished with me.

I shivered and wrapped my big white comforter around me , the thin little baby doll dress I was wearing wasn't actually meant for much warmth. I really missed my sweat pants and regular clothes.

I missed my daddy.

I missed how we would sit in the living room and how he would hold me in his arms and tell me that I'm his special little boy, or how when he got home from work he would always bring something home for me. I also miss all of the slaves who kept me company when Daddy was away. They were all scared of Daddy because he was really mean to them and if he treated them the way Master Fuentes has been treating me I understand. I've only been here for a day and a half and I've already experienced what Daddy did to punish his slaves.

Daddy's slaves were so sweet and kind but Daddy didn't like me being around him. It was one of the only rules that he gave me and I broke. I couldn't help it though, he didn't like me talking to anyone but him and I got bored. If it wasn't for them I would have still been the super innocent like Daddy wanted. They taught me all kinds of bad words and different things so that I wasn't completely stupid. They said I would need it one day.

Who knew they were right.

I sighed and played with the little bell on my collar that my Master had given me, Lynn came in about an hour ago and traded out the leather dog collar with a new one. It was a black little ribbon with a bell on the end. It was cute and I liked it a lot more than the other ones.

Lynn told me that Master Fuentes has all kinds of collars for me, some that were like this which was just for when I was in my room alone. Then she told me there was the leather ones and other kinky ones that he used for sex. And last was what she called the discreet ones that were for if he takes me out in public but Lynn told me that he rarely takes slaves out in public. And I doubt he'd ever want to take me out in public.

I rolled over in bed and groaned, my whole body just aches.

Especially my ass, every time I even move just a little bit there's like a sharp twinge and it hurts so much. But I'm so bored just laying in bed and the remote to the television is all the way on the other side of the room and I hurt too much to move.

But I'm really bored.

I sat up a gasp of pain slipped from between my partially open lips, oh my god. Bad idea, bad idea.

But it's too late to not finish now I'm already sitting up. I carefully got out of bed and went to the T.V.

"Ow, ow, ow," I whined with each step until I got to the panel and slid it open groaning. Even that hurt. I glanced down at me wrists, they were still raw and slightly bruised from the leather cuffs yesterday. I sighed, he was just so rough with me, why did I like it so much? I loved how much it hurt and how his dick slammed into me repeatedly.

I loved every second of it.

Oh god, does this mean I'm a masochist? I sighed and turned on the T.V. just as my bedroom door opened and in. I looked over and found Lynn coming in with clothes in her hands.

"Hey Kellin," She said smiling and walked up to me with clothes in her hands. I sighed.

"Hi Lynn," I said and she unfolded the clothes. I sighed again, "Are those...?"

"Mhm," She hummed and pulled off the lingerie gown I was wearing along with my panties.

"I have a question," I said hesitantly and stepped into the white lace panties.

"Okay, shoot." She said pulling them up.

"This is for my master right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah this is for Vic." I nodded and pursed my lips.

"Why don't you call him Master?" I asked as she pulled up a garter and clipped it connecting it to my panties.

"Because he doesn't own me, my Mistress is out on business and he's watching me until she get's back."

"Oh, who's your mistress?" I asked, "Sorry if I'm annoying you, you can just ignore me."

"Oh you're fine, it's nice to talk to someone around here." She said, "And her name is Jenna. She's owned me for two years now."

"Oh, is she nice?" I asked and she nodded.

"She's great, Vic is one of her best friends which is why he's watching me. Anyways, Vic doesn't want you prepped this time and I think you're ready." She said standing up and I looked down.

"I'm topless," I said and she nodded.

"This is what Vic gave me oh and I need to put the stockings on you." She said and lifted a foot sliding the stocking on.

"Wait- why doesn't he want me prepped?" I asked nervously as she pulled up the stockings.

"I don't know, I'm just following the rules." She said and took my collar off trading it out for a black leather one with two things hanging off of it with clamps at the end of them. She then connected a leash to the collar and sighed.

"Ready to go?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Yeah well not really but I don't exactly have a choice, by the way I am actually allowed to talk to you right?"

"Yeah, Vic said you can talk to me." She said and took the handle of the leash, "Now it's time for the Vic and Kellin sexy time well more like the Vic pretty much abuses Kellin sexy time. Sorry about your wrists and the welts and th-"

"Lynn it's not your fault and I kinda like it," I said softly. "Let's just go."

She nodded and led me out of the room.

I'm hurting so much already and it's about to get ten times worse.

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