Chapter 35

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Let's all just take a moment to appreciate Ariel 

Okay thanks back to the story


"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," Ariel said following me around.

"Do you ever shut up?" I asked her and went to my office with her still following me. Ever since Jesse's slave left last week.

"No. Not after you get rid of my cute little ball of sunshine," She said and kicked my leg, I spun around and glared at her tempted to just bitch slap the stupid mermaid.

"Don't fucking kick me," I ground out just as Tony walked in and gave me a disapproving look.

"Vic what happened to being nice?" He chided and handed me a file.

"This business or...?"

"Potential slave," He said and I looked down at it before handing it back to him.

"No." I muttered, Tyrone or whatever his name is was just- he wasn't my kitten. "And it's hard being nice, especially to someone like Attila over here!" I exclaimed and Tony flicked my nose. "I will fucking murder you."

"And I will do the same to you," Ariel said and kicked me again. "I am very upset with you Vic."

"I don't understand why," I muttered and Tony handed me another file. I briefly looked down at the slave and handed it back to him. "No."

"Oh my god! Just buy Kellin!" He exclaimed and I shook my head.

"You saw how happy it was to go back to Jesse, I can't hurt him anymore." I said and ignored the two of them and sat behind my desk. "Now if you don't mind I have some things to do before I go back to work."

"No! He is not happy with Jesse!" Ariel said and I glanced up at her before looking back at some files.

"What makes you say that Aquamarine?" I asked her and read over a file.

"Because right before he ran into that creeps arms he looked hella uncomfortable."

"Hella?" Tony and I both asked her and she groaned.

"Do you two ever go out with the rest of civilization?" She asked and I nodded while Tony shook his head.

"I'm too busy," He told her.

"I go out all the time for my job," I muttered and ignored the ringing telephone.

"What is your job?"

"What's yours?" I countered.

"A maid- well I'm more of a nanny but I have no one to I don't know nanny so I'm bored and I hate you." She told me and I rolled my eyes, "But seriously what's your job?"

"Don't ask questions," I said the phone still ringing.

"Vic answer the fucking phone!" Tony yelled and I threw a pencil at him not even bothering to look up from the file I'm reading but smiled when I heard him yell out an ow. I pressed a button answering the phone and turned it onto speaker.

"Fuentes," I answered and ignored what seemed to be Ariel babying Tony for getting hit with a pencil.

"Vic it's Oliver, I need to speak with you."

"Well you're already speaking with me but continue," I said and flipped a page reading the destination. Egypt, I'll be in Egypt for a month it seems, that will be very fun. And not to mention interesting, jobs in the middle east are always entertaining. They involve a lot of death and blood usually. (Not being offensive or whatever so yeah...)

"I talked to Kellin." He said and Ariel and Tony stopped what they were doing while I picked up the receiver.

"And I care why?" I asked praying he would tell me what it is Kel- it said to him,

"Well first he asked about you, he misses you which is strange. Then he told me that Jesse had kidnapped him and he couldn't stand being at that house anymore."

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked. Kel- it must be really freaking out right now, I remember how he was when I had told him. He had refused to believe that his "daddy" did that. And there I go thinking of the slave as a person again.

"He wants to go back to you."


"I know, very shocking but he misses you and while I know you try to deny it I know you miss him too."

"I do," I admitted. "You have no idea how hard it is trying to find a slave like the kitten."

"Yeah sure, that's the only reason you miss him. Anyway he asked me to figure out a way to get him out and well he wants you."

"I'll talk to Lawson and try to buy it back."

"Already tried it. I talked to Jesse and asked if I could buy Kellin, he said he's not letting anyone touch his baby again."

"I'll figure something out," I told him. "I have to go but I will figure something out and when I do you'll know." I said and hung up.

"Sir?" Tony asked and I looked up trying not to smile but couldn't help it.

"Kellin wants to come back to me, Tony- wh-what does this mean? I thought he was scared of me. He couldn't even look at me without flinching! Why would he want to come back?"

"He loves you," Ariel said and my heart stopped.

"He what?" I asked not sure I heard her correctly.

"Why do you think I've been calling you an idiot! He loves you and I can tell you like him-"

"But he's scared of him," Tony pointed out and Ariel shook her head.

"No he's not, he's scared of what that one guy did to him. He pretty much got raped, and when you fucked him for the first time since that incident it pulled up those repressed memories and his subconscious is trying to make sure he doesn't get hurt anymore. Thus the flinching. The weirdo pretty much worships the ground you walk on and in his eyes there's nothing you can do that's wrong except for well this." She said.

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.

"So what are you going to do about it?" She asked, "About him coming home?"

I stopped for a second and tried to think, what am I going to do to get my kitten home and make it all up to him?

"Don't worry about it Aquarium," I said not wanting to tell her that I honestly don't know when it hit me. "Ariel you are a wonderful genius!" I exclaimed and immediately got on my computer.

"Did you hear that Tone? He finally got my name right!" She squealed and Tony laughed and came over to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Looking for boys that had been kidnapped around twelve, thirteen years ago from an aquarium." I muttered scanning the pages looking for any names that popped out to me.

"How can you do that?" Ariel asked and came around and gasped pointing at a little logo in the upper right hand corner. "Is that...?"

"Mhm," I muttered and stopped when I found what I was looking for. "Medford, Oregon."

"What's there?"

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick disappeared during his tenth birthday party at the aquarium thirteen years ago." I said and looked up at Tony and Ariel.

"What does that have to do with anything? I mean Kellin's a sex slave of course he was sex trafficked." Ariel said looking confused.

"I'm going to be in Egypt for work for the next month and won't be able to get him back until then. But I can make sure that he gets away from Jesse." I said and dialed my bosses number. "Kellin will be going home for the first time in thirteen years."

"But what about him wanting to come home to you?"

"When I get back from business I will go and see if he wants to come back with me and if Kellin does then I will bring him home." I said just as my boss answered the phone.

"Agent Fuentes?"

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