Chapter 32

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What the actual flying fuck is going I'm going to slap somebody


I sighed and looked around the hallway, the walls are so bare.

"What are malls like?" I asked Ariel as I played with my leash. We're on our way outside so that I can go walk around the garden and maybe swing for a little bit. I really just need to get out of this house and get my mind off of Vic and his idiocy and my idiocy.

Ariel scrunched her nose, "Terrible. Absolutely terrible. I hate them, why?"

I shrugged, "I dunno I've never been to one before. I mean, I've seen them on T.V. before but I've never actually gone to one and shopped."

"I see, maybe one day I can talk dick face-"

"Shh!" I interrupted when we walked past Vic's office where he was screaming about something.

"What is he yelling about?" Ariel ask and I glared.

"Shut up and you'll hear him."

"What do you mean you don't fucking want it!?" Vic yelled, "Well I don't want it anymore... Don't ask why, that's not your place!... The kitten doesn't interest me anymore." He said and my heart fell.

"H-he doesn't want me anymore," I whispered my eyes watering.

"Maybe he's talking about a different Kitten." Ariel offered and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course he's talking about me! I'm his only kitten."

"Oliver! I don't fucking want Kellin anymore! What do you not understand? It's useless, after Cerulli broke it I don't want it. Who wants a broken slave?... Well fuck you too Sykes!"

"The freaking nerve," I muttered and before Ariel could stop me, I barged into Vic's office just as he slammed down a receiver.

"What the fuck are you doing?"He demanded standing up from his desk.

"I am not broken!" I yelled back, "Who do you think you are! What the hell is wrong with you? I haven't done anything wrong and you're just going to sell me!" I shouted, after all the hell I have gone through because of this man it feels great to just yell at him.

"I suggest you go now before you piss me off even more, Kitten." Vic said coldly as he glared daggers at me. At this point I'm too made to even care that he was looking at me with such malice and anger.

"No! We're going to talk about this Vic!" I said and Vic stormed to me, the back of his hand connected with my face knocking me to the ground.

"Kellin come on," Ariel whispered but, I ignored her and stood up glaring at my master.

"You can hit me all you want Vic, but it's not going to change anything. I'm always going to flinch and you're always going to like me and probably fall for me just like I did with you. So quit with the mixed signals and quit pushing me away, because every time you do I'm just going to come right back and fight for you that much harder."

I think this is what people say is pushing someone past their breaking point. When you get them so angry and hurt that they just snap. And Vic has pushed me to that point.

Vic gave me a cold and calculating look as he watched me rant and go on and on as I told him how it was. And judging from the look on his face he really didn't care about what I had to say to him.

"Are you done with your tantrum?" He asked looking bored.

"No I'm not." I sniffed and Vic rolled his eyes. The next thing I know he had slammed me against the wall his hand tightly wrapped around my throat cutting off almost all my oxygen.

"I want you to pay close attention Kellin because I am only going to say this once. You are just a slave, you're worthless, the only thing you're good for is a good fuck. And if I'm honest, you're not even that good of a fuck. What I said to you means nothing, you mean nothing to me and you never will. Now get that through your idiotic brain and never fucking talk to me like that again." He said in one of the coldest, most hateful voices he has ever used on me. I didn't notice the tears that were running down my face until Vic sneered at me. "Aw is the kitten crying? Fucking pathetic." He spat and dropped me onto the ground. "Get the fuck out."

I stood up rubbing my sore neck and glared at him.

"I hate you," I whispered and walked out of the room slowly and Ariel tried to grab my arm but I slapped her away.

Vic didn't mean that, he couldn't have.


I sighed and went back to my desk slumping down in my seat. God I can't believe I lied to it like that. But it's better this way, the slave will be happier if I'm not around it. I can't even think of Kellin as a person without feeling my heart break even more. The only reason I could say that to the slave was because I thought of the kitten as just an object, just another slave. If I thought of it as a person I would have never been able to say what I did.

My phone rang and I answered instantly.

"Fuentes." I said emotionlessly.

"I think I found someone who will take Kellin." Oliver told me.

My heart dropped, "Who?"


I frowned, "Oliver, Jesse's in prison for three more years."

"He got two years taken off of his sentence for good behavior. He gets out tomorrow, I can give him your number."

I cleared my throat and looked at my monitor that showed Ke- the slave lying on its bed face down while Ariel comforted it.

The kitten would be so much happier if it was back with Lawson. Maybe it could forget all about the past year and move on and never think about me again.

"Yeah, give Lawson my number.

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