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Mark and Felix look at each other and nodded. Felix counted down by 3 "3... 2... 1..."

Mark smirks and start running, Felix was next to him. Felix and Mark jump into the water making a huge splash making Jack and Mariza look

Mark and Felix and up to get air. "Oh Yeah! That feel good!" Mark yelled. Felix yelled "I know bro!"

Mark and Felix look At Jack and Mariza. Felix smiles "Come you two the water is fine!" Felix yelled, Felix start walking to them

Mark did the same "Yea, the water feel amazing" Mariza and Jack mouth was open, Mariza could feel her whole face turning red

Felix wet bare chest, Mariza quickly closed her mouth. "Felix..." Mariza said softly

Jack felt something running down his nose, it was a nosebleed. Jack keep look at Mark bare chest, water was running down

Mark look at Jack, rubbing his wolf ear. "Jack your nose is bleeding" Jack quickly cover his nose with a tissue

Felix bend down and held out his hand to Mariza "Mariza the water is fine, come swim with us"

Mariza face was still pink but she smiles "Sure Felix it going to be fun"

Mark look at Jack "My Angel come swim with me" Jack smiles and nods "Ok my love"

Jack and Mariza stand up and walk to the lake.

From behind where they were, the Hunter was there "Well it look like they are on a picnic, how cute"

The Hunter touch his gun on his leg. "Just need to wait for the right moment to... attack"

The Werewolf Meet The Gamer ☾Septiplier☽ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon