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Jack was on the couch. He was still watching the TV. He noticed Mark entering the room. He look at him with a smiles.

Mark smiles back and decided to sit next too Jack. Jack and Mark sit next to each other watching the TV.

Soon They both heard a knocked on the door, I wonder who that be? Jack wonder. Jack stood up and walk to the door.

He open it, and the hunter was right outside with the camera crew in the background. He look at Jack and smirks. "Hey, I'm a werewolf hunted named Danger. So I'm here to tell you that I might cause some loud noise."

Jack nodded "Oh ok." The smirks and check out Jack. He smirk "Well aren't you adorable..." Jack was surprised and starting to blush "Um, Thanks.."

Mark heard everything and was on the couch his leg on the couch. He look at Jack "Hey Jack! What movie should we watch?"

Jack and Danger look at Mark. Jack smiles "I don't know, you can pick one." Mark smiles "Thanks." Danger noticed Mark Red hair and look at his werewolf fur it look almost the same.

Mark noticed Danger looking at Him. "What you looking at?" Mark asked. Danger snapped out of it "Um, I like your red hair."

Mark forced a smiles "Thanks." Mark want to attack him so badly but couldn't because of Jack. The hunter nodded and soon left.

The hunter have a weird feeling that Mark might be the werewolf he may be looking for.

Jack turn to Mark, Mark was laying down the couch. Jack look at Mark, he look just like a normal human.

Mark look at Jack, the door was close. Mark close his eye and his werewolf ears appeared.

Mark listen, the hunter "I don't know, but that man inside with the red hair reminds me of the creature I was hunting."

Mark start to filled with anger, he open. His eye and look at Jack, Jack didn't mind Mark being werewolf.

The Werewolf Meet The Gamer ☾Septiplier☽ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt