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Mariza sat up on bed and sigh. She look at the empty needle bottle on the bedside table.

She pick it up and quickly reads it. Her eyes widen.

.Magical Creatures Green Poisoned.
Shot a magical creatures with this liquid they will lose control over their bodies and quickly pass out.

"Mark! If you get shot with the black needles you will be..."

Mark look at Mariza. "I'm taking the risk to save Jack..."

Mark start walking to the door before he was stopped by a nurse.

"Sir, please sit down." Mark didn't listen to her and ran out. Felix yelled "Mark!"

Mark didn't listen and ran outside. It was getting dark, the sun right In the middle of the sky

Mark close his eyes, his ear became bigger. Mark start to listen for Jack...

"No! Please! I'm begging you don't do this!!" Jack yelled in teared. The Hunter smirks "Oh My~ What a beautiful soft body you have~"

The Hunter start licking Jack stomach. Jack yelled more in tears.

Mark felt his anger building up. Mark followed the scream of Jack. "Hang in their my angel in coming"

Felix and Mariza ran out the room and saw Mark running inside the forest. Mariza look up at the sky, "There going to be a full moon tonight..."

Felix was holding a bag and inside was the diamond healing liquid that the doctor gave him.

Mariza close her eyes, her wing grew bigger. She open her eyes to show her sparkling Pink eye

"We need to help Mark to save Jack." Mariza carry Felix Bride style and start to fly in the air.

The Werewolf Meet The Gamer ☾Septiplier☽ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu